Research Bibliography
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Appropriation of nitrogen by the invasive cattail Typha×glauca. Aquatic Botany. 100:62-66.
2012. CO2 Fluxes at northern fens and bogs have opposite responses to inter-annual fluctuations in water table. Geophysical Research Letters. 37:1-5.
2010. Growth of three cattail (Typha) taxa in response to elevated CO2. Plant Ecology. 207:121-129.
2010. Species-specific SSR alleles for studies of hybrid cattails (Typha latifolia x T. angustifolia; Typhaceae) in North America. American Journal of Botany. 97:2061-2067.
2010. Factors Affecting the Distribution of Wild Rice (Zizania palustris) and the Associated Macrophyte Community. Wetlands. 29:724-734.
2009. Litter drives ecosystem and plant community changes in cattail invasion. Ecological Applications. 19:398-412.
2009. The impact of changes in water level and human development on forage fish assemblages in Great Lakes coastal marshes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 34:615-630.
2008. The effects of pH on a periphyton community in an acidic wetland, USA. Hydrobiologia. 561:71-82.
2006. Effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and sunlight on degradation of plant particulate and dissolved organic matter and microbial utilization. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie. 162:287-308.
2005. Ecological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Linking Science to Decision-Making. Pellston Workshop on Ecological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Applications, Implementations, and Communications: 16-21 September 2000. :272pp..
2004. .
A flora and analysis of the bryophyte and vascular plant communities of Little Dollar Lake peatland, Mackinac County, Michigan. Master of Science:137pp..
1996. Gradient analysis of diatom assemblages in western Kentucky wetlands. Journal of Phycology. 32:222-232.
1996. Point counts of Michigan forest birds: improving sampling efficiency for species of concern. Master of Science:75pp..
1996. Ecological classification and analysis of wetland ecosystems, northern Lower Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 25:1865-1875.
1995. .
Biogeomorphology and spatial structure of northern patterned peatlands. Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife. DOE Symposium Series No. 61:235-247.
1989. Phosphate adsorption by cedar wetland soils in northern lower Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 27:15-20.
1988. .
Paleohydrological implications of Holocene peatland development in northern Michigan. Quaternary Research. 27:297-311.
1987. Effects of Lake Michigan water levels on wetland soil chemistry and distribution of plants in the Straits of Mackinac. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 12:175-183.
1986. Stratigraphy and genesis of the Lake Sixteen peatland, northern Michigan. Canadian Journal of Botany. 64:3008-3019.
1986. Determining microbial community equilibrium in disturbed wetland ecosystems. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference on Wetland Restoration. :201-209.
1985. .
1985. Lake level effects as measured from aerial photos. Journal of Survey Engineering. 110