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Measurements of HOx and other species during PROPHET 2016

Project Abstract: 
We will prepare and deploy instrumentation for the measurement of key species related to understanding atmospheric oxidation for deployment during the PROPHET 2016 campaign. These species include hydroxyl (OH), hydroperoxy (HO2), and organic peroxy (RO2) radicals; sulfuric acid (H2SO4); organic acids; and low-volatility and extremely low volatility organic com-pounds (LVOC, ELVOC). The instrument will be configured similar to that of other ground based campaigns. In collaboration with site managers and technicians, we will install our instrumentation at the PROPHET site. During the campaign, we will ensure the correct operation of our instruments including regular calibration of instrument response and collect data during the entire campaign. These data will be quality controlled and assessed, and prepared for submittal to the designated archive by the agreed-upon deadlines for field, preliminary, and final data. This data will provide for a HOx intercomparison with an LIF instrument also at the study as well as the opportunity to better determine the ability of numerical models to estimate ambient HOx concentrations and those of other species as well as the roles of ELVOC in SOA formation and growth. We will participate in campaign science team meetings in preparation for the campaign, and will discuss plans for using the data and publishing the results. We will present preliminary findings at national and international meetings.
Quadrupole chemical ionization mass spectrometry; Time of Flight (ToF) chemical ionization mass spectrometry
Funding agency: 
National Science Foundation