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Great Lakes Piping Plover Population: Research and Recovery

Project Abstract: 
The Great Lakes piping plover population was listed as federally endangered in 1986. Despite recent increases in size, the population remains extremely vulnerable to extinction from predation, demographic and environmental stochasticity and continued shoreline development and public recreation. However, recent breeding estimates demonstrate that long-term research, management, and protection are having a positive impact. Research to understand plover habitat use, movements, survival and fledging rates has been conducted since the mid-1980s and continues to be critical for the recovery of the population. This research will obtain estimates of adult and juvenile survival with the purpose of modeling population progress toward recovery, identify nesting locations with low productivity and determine factors causing hatching failure. Additionally, funding supports monitoring and banding of piping plovers throughout Michigan.
Years Active: 
1986 to 2023
See proposal for details Field work: visit sites off UMBS property to monitor nesting phenology, chick and adult survival and band adults and chicks Captive rearing: raise plover chicks from about 12 days old to 30 days in Captive Rearing Center and in lakeside pen.
Funding agency: