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Furthering Restoration via a New Approach to Invasive Mussel Control

Project Abstract: 
This project will control invasive mussels and potentially expand control possibilities throughout the Great Lakes basin through a new approach to Zequanox application, a biological control product specific to zebra and quagga mussels. Local organizations will partner with researchers and consultants to apply Zequanox, evaluate control efficacy, and assess environmental responses using a new non-enclosed approach. The project will control three acres of invasive mussels and provide the necessary information for determining viability of large-scale Zequanox application and native species restoration. The project will educate and involve, and inform stakeholders throughout the Great Lakes via an Invasive Mussel Collaborative webinar.
Status of Research Project: 
Years Active: 
To study the effect of Zequanox on Dreissinid mussels, we will compare the biological, chemical, physical response for control (no Zequanoz) and treatment (open water Zequanox additions) in Round Lake (Emmet County). Sampling for these various components will be conducted using a combination of snorkeling, water column samples, profiles, and other limnological techniques. Samples for benthic macro-invertebrates will be sorted and analyzed at UMBS using dissecting microscopes.
Funding agency: 
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (US EPA)