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The effects of macrophyte removal in the littoral zone of Douglas Lake

Project Abstract: 
We propose to remove all macrophytes from a 50-100 foot section of the Douglas Lake littoral zone off of Grape Vine point. This will effectively create a modified habitat zone that could act as a baseline for research projects (sort of like an aquatic version of our burn plots). We will monitor for changes in the algal community but other groups have expressed interest in monitoring invert and fish. We hope to determine how littoral zone "cleaning" in front of beach homes affects aquatic organisms.
Status of Research Project: 
An area of the Douglas Lake Littoral zone will be marked off and all macrophytes within that area will be removed by clipping the plants. Macrophytes will be identified and weighed (dry weight). This area will be maintained plantless throughout the growing season. We will take short sediment cores both within and adjacent to the removal zone to determine changes in benthic algae (both in biomass and community composition). We will also determine the algal epiphytes typically found on nearby macrophytes.