Using a survey adapted from Juliet Slutzker (a previous researcher at UMBS), I will sample at 15 different sites to determine if road crossings contribute to habitat fragmentation of crayfish. Ten of the surveyed sites will have stream road crossings, 5 with culverts and 5 with bridges. The other 5 sites will be natural streams without road crossings, which will serve as controls. At each site, I will record the number and types of bridges or culverts, if present. At sites with culverts, I will measure each culvert’s width and height. I will collect crayfish with baited minnow traps set up overnight; 3 traps will be set up 10 and 20 meters upstream and downstream of the stream road crossing. I will record population demographics of crayfish caught at these locations. Measurements will include species, size, and sex. I will also measure flow speed and record habitat/substrate type at each sampling location.