I will be working with Dr. Witt and the Chemist at UMBS to analyze tissue and hair samples from the American marten. The research will take place in three phases: sample preparation, chemical analyses, and data analyses and interpretation. For sample preparation of tissues, I will prepare the samples in different ways.
* For Hair Samples:
o Hair is stored at –20 degrees Celsius, needing to be thawed at room temperature. Hair needs to be washed for analysis by detergent, water, and 10% ethanol. It will then be dried, weighed within .01 g, and digested in 3mL of nitric acid at 100 degrees Celsius, and H2O2 at 65 degrees Celsius.
* For Liver and Kidney Tissue Samples:
o Organ samples stored at –20 degrees Celsius, needing to be thawed at room temperature. Tissue samples will be homogenized in a food processor with the assistance of mortar and pestle. Samples will be digested in HNO3 and H2O2 using a microwave oven. Blank digest will also be conducted. Samples will then be digested at 1200W for ten minutes. Samples will then be diluted to 50mL with Milli-Q water. Resistivity will be recorded.