VariablesVariables (legacy): Larva Label: Larva ID Definition: Identification of larva Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Diet Label: Diet Definition: Artificial diet type fed to larva Type: Code list Codes: Control = no plant defense chemicals added Rutin Ambient = 0.066% rutin Rutin Elevated = 0.084% rutin Chlorogenic Acid Ambient = 1.18% chlorogenic acid Chlorogenic Acid Elevated = 1.68% chlorogenic acid Nicotine Ambient = 1.73% nicotine Nicotine Elevated = 1.19% nicotine Rutin + Nicotine Ambient = 0.066% rutin + 1.73% nicotine Rutin + Nicotine Elevated = 0.084% rutin + 1.19% nicotine Missing values: NA = , growth time Label: Time to complete trial Definition: Time to complete trial/instar phase in hours Type: Physical quantity Unit: hours Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: NA = , Initial Instar Label: Initial Instar Definition: Larval stage (instar) at start of trial Type: Code list Codes: 1st = first instar 4th = fourth instar Missing values: NA = , num_5th_instar Label: Larvae at Fifth Instar Definition: Number of larva that reached the 5th instar stage. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Weight Gain Label: Dry Weight Gain Definition: Weight gain of larva or larvae throughout the trial. Type: Physical quantity Unit: gram Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.0001 Missing values: NA = , Survivor number Label: Survivor Number Definition: How many of the larva survived trial Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified