This resource contains the National land cover (NLCD 2011) in the UM property Newcomb Tract with 500-meter-buffer zone area. NLCD 2011 was the most recent national land cover product created by the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium as of January 2019. The land cover classification scheme contained in the attribute table is applied consistently across the United States at a spatial resolution of 30 meters. More detail information of NLCD, please go to This dataset can be used as a reference for the land cover of the Newcomb Tract. Data type: Raster data.
6 files in this archive
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tfw
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tif
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tif.aux.xml
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tif.ovr
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tif.vat.dbf
- NT_NLCD2011_WR.tif.xml
Nationwide land cover was downloaded from Then the nationwide land cover image was clipped to the property area by the UM Forests McIntire-Stennis project (K. Bergen, PI).