VariablesVariables (legacy): Date Label: Date Definition: Type: Date/time Date format: DD/MM/YYYY Missing values: None specified , Sample Label: Sample Definition: Identification number associated with specific sampled plants. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Genus Label: Genus Definition: Genus of individual. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Species Label: Species Definition: Species of the observed individual. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , total_samples Label: Total Samples Definition: Total number of samples taken from the experiment; each tree with x number of samples roughly two hours apart. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , no_MT_samples Label: Number of Monoterpene Samples Definition: The number of samples showing monoterpene presences out of the total number of samples. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , no_SQT_samples Label: Number of Sesquiterpene Samples Definition: The number of samples showing monoterpene presences out of the total number of samples. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , no_MT Label: Number of Monoterpenes Definition: The number of different monoterpene compounds identified. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , no_SQT Label: Number of Sesquiterpenes Definition: The number of different sesquiterpene compounds identified. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , min_bag_T Label: Minimum Bag Temperature Definition: Minimum temperature (C) reached inside the branch enclosure. Type: Physical quantity Unit: celsius Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: None specified , max_bag_T Label: Maximum Bag Temperature Definition: Maximum temperature (C) reached inside the branch enclosure. Type: Physical quantity Unit: celsius Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: None specified , total_MT_ER_30C Label: Total Monoterpene Emission Rate at 30C Definition: Total monoterpene emission rate at 30 degrees C. Dry weight is mass of leaves/needles after drying for 24 hours at 70 degrees C. Dry weight includes all leaves within the branch enclosure. Emission rate units are in micrograms Carbon per grams of dry weight per hour (ugC g[dry weight]-1 hr-1). Type: Physical quantity Unit: microgramsPerGramPerHour Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.001 Missing values: None specified , total_SQT_ER_30C Label: Total Sesquiterpene Emission Rate at 30C Definition: Total sesquiterpene emission rate at 30 degrees C. Dry weight is mass of leaves/needles after drying for 24 hours at 70 degrees C. Dry weight includes all leaves within the branch enclosure. Emission rate units are in micrograms Carbon per grams of dry weight per hour (ugC g[dry weight]-1 hr-1). Type: Physical quantity Unit: microgramsPerGramPerHour Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.001 Missing values: NA = , MT_B Label: Monoterpene Beta Value Definition: Monoterpene emission rates are primarily driven by temperature, which can be parameterized by a Beta (B)-factor (i.e. emission rate = A*exp(B*T) where A is an empirically determined constant). Branch-level emission rate measurements were plotted vs. temperature and an exponential curve fit was used to determine the B-factors for each monoterpene class and each tree species. A Beta (B) factor was then used to fit emission rates to an exponential curve. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , SQT_B Label: Sesquiterpene Beta Value Definition: Sesquiterpene emission rates are primarily driven by temperature, which can be parameterized by a Beta (B)-factor (i.e. emission rate = A*exp(B*T) where A is an empirically determined constant). Branch-level emission rate measurements were plotted vs. temperature and an exponential curve fit was used to determine the B-factors for each sesquiterpene class and each tree species. A Beta (B) factor was then used to fit emission rates to an exponential curve. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , R2 Label: R Squared Definition: The coefficient of determination: it is the proportion of variability in a data set that is accounted for by the statistical model. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified