VariablesVariables (legacy): period Label: Incubation Period Definition: Codes indicate the deployment and collection time of hyphae bags used in the study. Type: Code list Codes: 2009 = Deployed Oct 2009, collected May 2010 2010 = Deployed May 2010, collected September 2010 2011 = Deployed Sept 2010, collected Jul 2011 2011.5 = Deployed Jul 2011, collected Oct 2011 Missing values: NA = , Treat Label: Treatment Definition: Treatment area: FASET (girdled) or REF (ungirdled) Type: Code list Codes: FASET = Girdled REF = Ungirdled Missing values: None specified , Plot Label: Plot Definition: Plot ID following AmeriFlux/FASET naming convention. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Species Label: Tree Species Definition: A coded indicator of the tree species associated with the sample. Coding pattern combines the first two letters of the genus and species. For example, Acer Rubrum (red maple) is coded ACRU. Type: Code list Codes: ACRU = Acer rubrum ACSA = Acer saccharum BEPA = Betula papyrifera PIST = Pinus strobus POGR = Populus grandidentata POTR = Populus tremuloides QURU = Quercus rubra Missing values: None specified , percent_N Label: Percent Nitrogen Definition: Weight percent nitrogen in the sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: percent Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.001 Missing values: NA = , percent_N_corr Label: Percent Nitrogen Corrected Definition: Percent Nitrogen in the sample corrected for mineral contamination of hyphae bags. Percent Nitrogen Corrected is equal to 43 percent divided by Percent Carbon times Percent Nitrogen. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , d15N Label: Isotopic Signature of Nitrogen 15 Definition: Deviation in ratio of 15N:14N of a sample from the 15N:15N ratio found in air. Type: Physical quantity Unit: perMille Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: Not specified Missing values: NA = , percent_C Label: Percent Carbon Definition: Weight percent carbon in the sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: percent Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: NA = , d13C Label: Isotopic Signature of Carbon 13 Definition: Deviation in ratio of 13C:12C of a sample from the 13C:12C ratio found in the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) limestone standard. Type: Physical quantity Unit: perMille Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: NA = , hyphae_biomass Label: Hyphae Biomass Definition: The estimated amount of hyphae biomass for the associated sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: kilogramsPerHectar Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: NA =