VariablesVariables (legacy): Date Label: Date Definition: Type: Date/time Date format: DD/MM/YYYY Missing values: None specified , Time Label: Time Definition: Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Incubator Label: Incubator Temperature Definition: The initial incubator temperature for ectomycorrhizal treatments: degrees Celsius (C) Type: Physical quantity Unit: celsius Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: None specified , Measurement Label: Measurement Temperature Definition: The treatment temperature at which ectomycorrhizal respiration was measured. The temperature of the gas exchange chambers was altered by 6 degrees Celsius, and the fungi were allowed a period of 5 minutes to attain new steady state respiration rates before measured again. Type: Physical quantity Unit: celsius Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1 Missing values: None specified , chamber # Label: Chamber Number Definition: The incubator chamber identification number. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Biomass Label: Biomass Definition: The biomass of the sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: gram Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.0001 Missing values: None specified , respiration Label: Respiration Rate Definition: The respiration rate measured in umol s-1 g-1. Type: Physical quantity Unit: micromolePerSecondPerGram Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 1e-09 Missing values: None specified