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Bird specimen preparation out of UMBS

Project Abstract: 
The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Bird Division and the Winger lab are conducting field ornithological research in state-managed forest in northern Michigan for several ongoing and interconnected projects, including: 1) a study of population genetics and evolutionary history of boreal passerine birds and woodpeckers; 2) a study of the relationship between migratory behavior and immune system (MHC) evolution in birds, using boreal passerines as a model system; 3) a study of the evolution of senescence and longevity in birds and mammals, in collaboration with the UM Department of Pathology, 4) ongoing research on morphological evolution in migratory birds in response to climate change and 5) ongoing efforts to document the biodiversity of Michigan through specimen-based fieldwork. The common thread is that all projects require collecting genetic, pathogenic and organ tissue samples of common birds breeding in Michigan, with voucher specimens prepared for the UMMZ. Here, we propose to use the UMBS facilities as a base of operations for fieldwork that will take place off property in June 2021.
Years Active: 
The field collecting for this project will take place off of UMBS or UM property in state-managed forests in the region surrounding UMBS. Researchers will collect bird specimens in the field within the guidelines of permits from Michigan Department of Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife Service that have already been issued to the PI, using methods approved in PI Winger’s IACUC protocol. That is, field collecting and field research will not take place on UMBS property. Rather, we propose to use UMBS facilities for 1-2 weeks (depending on availability) to prepare specimens that were collected each day throughout the surrounding region. This is a unique opportunity for 2021, because the lack of a spring Biology of Birds field course (as well as other spring field courses) should provide space availability for facilities that could serve our needs for a specimen prep lab close to our field sites northern Michigan. Normally, we prepare specimens in a tent at a field site, and it would be wonderful to have these lab facilities. Specifically, we request to: 1) Stay at the station and use lodging/dining services. 2) Have use one of the “Birds” buildings (Blanchard or Pettingill) as a short-term laboratory to prepare and organize specimens of birds (round skins and fluid-preserved specimens) that will ultimately be brought to UMMZ in Ann Arbor at the end of fieldwork. Most of this work will take place in the afternoons and evenings, as fieldwork will be conducted off property in the mornings. If necessary, we could use a different laboratory at UMBS, but the Birds classroom or specimen room seems ideal for our needs (assuming that they are not being used by other researchers or groups). 3) Have short-term access to a freezer to house tissue samples or bird carcasses during the 1-2 week stay.