Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Effects of experimental harvesting of an invasive hybrid cattail on wetland structure and function. Restoration Ecology. 27:389-398.
2019. Effects of land use and forest management on soil carbon in the ecoregions of Maryland and adjacent eastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management. 448:34-47.
2019. An endemic plant and the plant-insect visitor network of a dune ecosystem. Global Ecology and Conservation. 18:e00603.
2019. European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) invasion facilitated by non-native cattails (Typha) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 45(5):912-920.
2019. Exploring the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil carbon dynamics. New Phytologist. 2235(1):33-39.
2019. Express yourself: Individuals with bold personalities exhibit increased behavioral sensitivity to dynamic herbicide exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 179:272-281.
2019. Gas and Aerosol Exchange Between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere: Advancing Our Understanding of Vegetation-Climate Coupling. Climate, Atmosphere, and Space. Doctorate
2019. High rates of primary production in structurally complex forests. Ecology. 100(10)
2019. The intensity and spectrum of artificial light at night alters crayfish interactions. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 5220247204204274011950(3205621024):131-150.
2019. Invasive cattail reduces fish diversity and abundance in the emergent marsh of a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
2019. Invasive species removal increases species and phylogenetic diversity of wetland plant communities. Ecology and Evolution. 678
2019. Multidecadal trajectories of soil chemistry and nutrient availability following cutting vs. burning disturbances in Upper Great Lakes forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 49(7):731-742.
2019. Multidecadal trajectories of soil chemistry and nutrient availability following cutting vs. burning disturbances in Upper Great Lakes forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 49:731-742.
2019. A national approach to leverage the benefits of tree planting on public lands. New Forests. 50:1-9.
2019. Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds as the Major Source of Formic Acid in a Mixed Forest Canopy. Geophysical Research Letters. 46:2940-2948.
2019. Phytochemical changes in milkweed induced by elevated CO2 alter wing morphology but not toxin sequestration in monarch butterflies. Functional Ecology. 33269(32001):411-421.
2019. Reduction‐Oxidation Potential and Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Northern Peat Soil: Interactive Controls of Water Table Position and Plant Functional Groups. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 124(11):3600-3617.
2019. Retrieval of Snow or Ice Pack Thickness Variation Within a Footprint of Correlation Radiometers. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. :1-5.
2019. The role of social and/or ecological contexts influences assessment strategy use in Tilapia. Ethology. 1251132(11150):821-831.
2019. Seasonal dynamics and exports of elements from a first-order stream to a large inland lake in Michigan. Hydrological Processes.
2019. Stable Water Isotopes Reveal Effects of Intermediate Disturbance and Canopy Structure on Forest Water Cycling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 124(10):2958-2975.
2019. Submerged harvest reduces invasive Typha and increases soil macronutrient availability. Plant and Soil. 442(1):157-167.
2019. A Test of Two Spatial Frameworks for Representing Spatial Patterns of Wetness in a Glacial Drift Watershed. Vadose Zone Journal. 18
2019. Trap Happiness and Catch Bias in Sea Lamprey Traps. Fishes. 4(2):34.
2019. Variable Background Flow on Aquatic Toxicant Exposure Alters Foraging Patterns on Crayfish. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 103251915567144319325011133721949183201355926353845121841975173216311174(51131111545431215):663-669.