Research Bibliography
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Determining site-specific toxicity of copper to daphnids and fishes in a brown-water ecosystem. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 21:481-491.
2006. The influence of mixing on rotifer assemblages of Michigan lakes. Hydrobiologia. 297:149-161.
1995. The role of intraguild predation, vertebrate predation, and dispersal in the organization of zooplankton communities. Doctor of Philosophy:192pp..
1993. The caudal appendage of the cladoceran Bythotrephes cederstroemi as defense against young fish. Journal of Plankton Research. 13:529-537.
1991. Degree of taste discrimination among suspension-feeding cladocerans and copepods: implications for detritivory and herbivory. Limnology and Oceanography. 36:1107-1123.
1991. Zooplankton spine induces aversion in small fish predators. Oecologia. 88:444-450.
1991. An inventory of rotifer species diversity of northern Michigan inland lakes. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie. 118:283-302.
1990. Juvenile fish response to the cladoceran Bythotrephes cederstroemi. Master of Science:73pp..
1990. Keratella armadura (Rotifera: Brachionidae), a new rotifer from a Michigan bog lake. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68:2306-2309.
1990. Lake Huron rotifer and crustacean zooplankton, April-July, 1980. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 12:281-292.
1986. .
Feeding habits of Mysis relicta - an overview. Hydrobiologia. 93:101-107.
1982. Zooplankton community composition in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. EPA-905 3-82-002:83pp..
1982. Zooplankton community composition in nearshore waters of southern Lake Michigan. EPA-905 3-82-001:91pp..
1982. .
1982. An annotated checklist of the free-living copepods of the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 7:382-393.
1981. A general approach to the culture of planktonic rotifers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 38:721-724.
1981. Movement and microdistribution of Sida crystallina and other littoral microcrustacea. Ecology. 62:1341-1352.
1981. Zooplankton of the North American Great Lakes. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung fur Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 21:1725-1733.
1981. .
1979. .
1979. .
Composition and distribution of crustacean plankton in twelve inland water bodies of Thailand. Kasetsart University Fisheries Research Bulletin. :14pp..
1978. Distribution of glacial relic crustacea in some Michigan inland lakes. The Michigan Academician. 11:5-18.