Research Bibliography
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Germinal material in the rediae of Clinostomum marginatum (Rudolphi). Journal of Parasitology. 36:157-163.
1950. Postharmostomum helicis (Leidy, 1847) Robinson 1949, (Trematoda), its life history and a revision of the subfamily Brachylaeminae. Doctor of Philosophy:150pp..
1950. Studies on schistosome dermatitis XI. Status of knowledge after more than twenty years. American Journal of Hygiene. 52:251-307.
1950. Germinal development in the mother sporocyst and redia of Halipegus eccentricus Thomas, 1939. Journal of Parasitology. 35:569-578.
1949. Germinal masses in redial embryos of an echinostome and a psilostome. Journal of Parasitology. 35:579-582.
1949. Multiplication of germinal cells in rediae of Clinostomum marginatum. Journal of Parasitology. 35:29-30.
1949. Germinal material in rediae of two species of trematodes from Pomatiopsis lapidaria. Journal of Parasitology. 34:16(Abstr.
1948. Studies on schistosome dermatitis X. Distribution and epidemiology in Michigan. American Journal of Hygiene. 47:259-270.
1948. Studies on the germinal development in rediae of the trematode order Fasciolatoidea Szidat, 1936. Journal of Parasitology. 34:428-451.
1948. Germinal masses in the rediae of the trematode order Fasciolatoidea Szidat, 1936. Journal of Parasitology. 33:17-18(Abstr.
1947. Germinal material in mother sporocysts and rediae of Halipegus eccentricus Thomas, 1939. Journal of Parasitology. 33:18(Abstr.
1947. The 1945 water itch eradication program. Michigan Public Health. 33:123-125,128.
1945. .
1945. An experimental study of the development of Schistosomatium douthitti (Cort, 1914) in its intermediate host. Journal of Parasitology. 30:1-17.
1944. Further studies on the development of the sporocyst stages of plagiorchiid trematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 30:37-56.
1944. The life history of Nudacotyle novicia Barker, 1916 (Trematoda: Notocotylidae). Journal of Parasitology. 30:257-263.
1944. Lymnaeid snails as second intermediate hosts of the strigeid trematode, Cotylurus flabelliformis (Faust, 1917). Journal of Parasitology. 30:309-321.
1944. Researches in life histories of parasites of wildlife. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. 37:7-24.
1944. The development of the larval stages of Plagiorchis muris Tanabe, 1922, in the first intermediate host. Journal of Parasitology. 29:81-99.
1943. The development of the sporocysts of a schistosome, Cercaria stagnicolae Talbot, 1936. Journal of Parasitology. 29:164-176.
1943. Two new large-tailed cercariae (Psilostomidae) from northern Michigan. Journal of Parasitology. 29:182-186.
1943. An experimental test of the life cycle described for Cotylurus communis (Hughes). Journal of Parasitology. 28:75-81.
1942. The fate of some species of schistosome cercariae in chick embryos. American Journal of Hygiene. 36:216-223.
1942. Five new species of avian schistosomes from Wisconsin and Michigan with the life cycle of Gigantobilharzia gyrauli (Brackett, 1940). Journal of Parasitology. 28:25-42.
1942. Four new species of strigeid cercariae from northern Michigan and the metacercaria of one of them. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 61:168-179.