Research Bibliography
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The biology of swimmers’ itch. Explorer. 14:17-20,30-31.
1972. .
1972. The biology of Azygia angusticauda (Stafford, 1904) Manter, 1926 (Trematoda: Azygiidae). Doctor of Philosophy:178pp..
1971. A microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes, Nosema strigeoideae sp. n. Journal of Protozoology. 18:676-679.
1971. The effect of Fasciola hepatica infection in mice as determined by WBC leves, pathology, and mortality. Experiments and Techniques in Parasitology. :104-106.
1970. Effects of Metagonimoides oregonenis Price, 1931 (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) and Mosesia chordeilesia McMullen 1936 (Trematoda: Lecithodendriidae) on Goniobasis proxima (Say) (Gastropoda: Pleuroceridae) in North Carolina. Journal of Parasitology. 56:836-838.
1970. Metagonimoides oregonensis Price, 1931 (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) from Mustela vison Schreber in Michigan. Journal of Parasitology. 56:1031-1032.
1970. The establishment of Proterometra sagittaria Dickerman, 1946 in a new locality. Journal of Parasitology. 55:425.
1969. Modes of infection of Rana clamitans with Cephalogonimus americanus (Trematoda). Journal of Parasitology. 55:832.
1969. Progenesis in Proterometra sagittaria Dickerman, 1946 (Trematoda: Azygiidae). Journal of Parasitology. 55:452.
1969. A biochemical approach to the systematics of the trematode family Azygiidae. Bios. 39:161-167.
1968. The life cycle of Cephalogonimus americanus Stafford, 1902 (Trematoda: Cephalogonimidae). Journal of Parasitology. 54:945-949.
1968. The life histories of Proterometra albacauda and Proterometra septimae, spp. n. (Trematoda: Azygiidae) and a redescription of Proterometra catenaria Smith, 1934. Journal of Parasitology. 53:31-37.
1967. Ptyalincola ondatrae, gen. et sp. n. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae), a fluke inhabiting the salivary glands of muskrats. Journal of Parasitology. 53:739-742.
1967. Epidermal cell patterns in the miracidium of digenetic trematodes. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 51:109-117.
1966. Host-parasite relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the white mouse. I. Response to a primary infection. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 82:195-203.
1966. Comparative morphology of four species of allcreadiid miracidia (Trematoda). Journal of Parasitology. 51:583-586.
1965. Comparison of xiphidiocercariae of Plagiorchis muris and P. proximus (Trematoda: Plagiorciidae). Journal of Parasitology. 49:84.
1963. Life history of Proterometra dickermani Anderson, 1962. Journal of Parasitology. 49:275-280.
1963. People and their snail-borne diseases. Michigan Quarterly Review. 2:106-114.
1963. Proterometra dickermani, sp. nov. (Trematoda: Azygiidae). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 81:279-282.
1962. Two new furcocystocercous cercariae from Goniobasis livescens (Menke). Master of Science:63pp..
1962. Chromosomes of nine species of schistosomes. Journal of Parasitology. 46:273-287.
1960. Observations of schistosome miracidial behavior in the presence of normal and abnormal snail hosts and subsequent tissue studies of these hosts. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 76:121-133.
1960. Pachytene chromosomes in three species of schistosomes. Journal of Heredity. 51:2-12.