Research Bibliography
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New species and varieties of Clitocybe from Michigan. Mycologia. 50:37-51.
1958. A study of Physoderma dulichii Johns. Doctor of Philosophy:111pp..
1958. The genus Hypnodon and its allies. The Bryologist. 60:299-310.
1957. A new species of Physoderma on Dulichium. Mycologia. 49:298-299.
1957. Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. VII. A Physoderma on Lycopus americanus. American Journal of Botany. 44:661-665.
1957. Two new species of Alluaudomyia from Cheboygan County Michigan, with a note on the synonymy of para and downesi. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 58:327-331.
1956. Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. I. New taxa and records. Mycologia. 47:546-556.
1955. New species of Galerina. Mycologia. 47:557-596.
1955. Two new species of Culicoides from Chegoygan County, Michigan (Diptera, Heleidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 57:269-274.
1955. Additional North American Hygrophori. Sydowia. 8:304-333.
1954. The genus Rheumatobates Bergroth (Hemiptera-Gerridae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 36:529-588.
1954. A new species of water beetle from Michigan (Coleoptera; Haliplidae). Entomological News. 65:113-117.
1954. Studies on the genus Inocybe. II. New and noteworthy species from Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 39:53-84.
1954. New species of Galerina from North America. Mycologia. 65:892-925.
1953. The North American species of Naematoloma. Mycologia. 43:467-521.
1951. An introduction to the taxonomy of the Gastrotricha with a study of eighteen species from Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 69:325-352.
1950. A new Achlya from Mackinac Island, Michigan, with notes on other species. Mycologia. 42:391-402.
1950. Gastrotricha of North America. II. Four new species of Ichthydium from Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 33:59-62.
1949. A gregarine parasite in the amphipod, Hyalella azteca. Journal of Parasitology. 35:31(Abstr.
1949. Chaetonotus tachyneusticus, a new species of gastrotrich from Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 67:350-351.
1948. New species and varieties of Wisconsin algae. Farlowia. 1:347-385.
1944. Descriptions of two new Nearctic species of the genus Hydrellia reared from pond-weed (Diptera: Ephydridae). Entomological News. 53:78-79.
1942. Immature and adult stages of a new species of Chironomidae (Diptera). Entomological News. 53:70-75.
1942. Corallobothrium parvum n. sp., a cestode from the common bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus Le Sueur. Journal of Parasitology. 27:221-227.
1941. New genera and species of North American Ephydridae (Diptera). Entomological News. 52:35-38.