Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Leucocytozoon simondi infections in domestic ducks in northern Michigan with a note on Haemoproteus. Poultry Science. 28:890-893.
1949. The life cycle of Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Linton), an acanthocephalan of fish. Journal of Parasitology. 35:437-460.
1949. The life history and ecology of two North American gastrotrichs. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 68:1-20.
1949. Limnological relations of insects to plants of the genus Potamogeton. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 68:279-291.
1949. Multiplication of germinal cells in rediae of Clinostomum marginatum. Journal of Parasitology. 35:29-30.
1949. Observations on the Michigan flora. A survey of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County). Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 41:39-45.
1949. Observations on the Michigan flora, II: Some plants new or rare in Emmet, Cheboygan, and Mackinac Counties, Michigan. Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 41:77-81.
1949. An occurrence of gametophytes of Equisetum in Cheboygan County, Michigan. American Fern Journal. 39:106-109.
1949. Partial development of Echinorhynchus coregoni in Hyalella azteca and the cellular reaction of the amphipod to the parasite. Journal of Parasitology. 35:31(Abstr.
1949. The penetration of dermatitis-producing schistosome cercariae. American Journal of Hygiene. 49:134-139.
1949. Quantitative estimations of plankton from small samples of Sedgewick-Rafter-cell mounts of concentrate samples. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 68:185-199.
1949. Schistosome dermatitis, a sensitization phenomenon. American Journal of Hygiene. 49:290-302.
1949. Studies on the chemotherapy of filariasis. Parts I - IV. American Journal of Hygiene. 50:92-141.
1949. A study of a nest of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Jack Pine Warbler. 27:148-158.
1949. Additions to an annotated list of the higher plants of the region of Douglas Lake, Michigan. III. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 32:27-46.
1948. The application of Zalenski’s law to certain submerged plants. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 32:91-97.
1948. .
1948. Bird populations and biotic communities in northern lower Michigan. Ecology. 29:101-114.
1948. Chaetonotus tachyneusticus, a new species of gastrotrich from Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 67:350-351.
1948. Colonization of certain aquatic plants on an open shoal. Ecology. 29:205-208.
1948. A comparison of two ants of the genus Formica. Ecology. 29:316-325.
1948. The Corixidae of the Western Hemisphere. The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 32:1-827.
1948. The eggs of Corixidae (Hemiptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 21:141-146.
1948. Elasticity, plasticity, and compression for cylindrical plant tissues, and fine structure of their cell walls. Journal of Colloid Science. 3:263-271.
1948. An erythristic Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. Herpetologica. 4:211-212.