Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Scholtens BGene.  1991.  Host plants and habitats of the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), in the Great Lakes region. Great Lakes Entomologist. 24:207-217.
Burton AJames, Pregitzer KS, Reed DD.  1991.  Leaf area and foliar biomass relationships in northern hardwood forests located along an 800 km acid deposition gradient. Forest Science. 37:1041-1059.
Burch JB.  1991.  Malacology in Michigan. The Michigan Academician. 24:115-170.
Voss EG.  1991.  Moths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan: IV. Geometridae (Lepidoptera). Great Lakes Entomologist. 24:187-201.
Lussenhop J, Fogel RD, Pregitzer KS.  1991.  A new dawn for soil biology: video analysis of root-soil-microbial-faunal interactions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 34:235-249.
Hendricks SPatricia, White DS.  1991.  Physicochemical patterns within a hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river, with comments on surface water patterns. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 48:1645-1654.
Dow D.  1991.  Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore survey of nesting birds: Beaver Rim Road Right-of-Way.
Hul NVan’t.  1991.  A place to eat, sleep, and dream biology. 14:4-13.
Snow AA, Spira TP.  1991.  Pollen vigour and the potential for sexual selection in plants. Nature. 352:796-797.
Trumbo ST.  1991.  Reproductive benefits and the duration of paternal care in a biparental burying beetle, Necrophorus orbicollis. Behaviour. 117:82-105.
Minton SThomas.  1991.  Seasonal fish assemblage continuity on artificial reefs in a north temperate lake. Master of Science:26pp..
Lussenhop J, Fogel RD.  1991.  Soil invertebrates are concentrated on roots. The Rhizosphere and Plant Growth. :111.
Jurik TW, Briggs GM, Gates DM.  1991.  Soil respiration of five aspen stands in northern lower Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 126:68-75.
MacDonald NW, Burton AJames, Liechty HO, Mroz GD, Witter JA.  1991.  Soil solution chemistry and ion leaching in northern hardwood forests across an 800 km pollution gradient. Emerging Issues in Northern Hardwood Management: Air Pollution, Climate Change & Biodiversity. Miscellaneous Publication 91-1:38.
DeNike JMichael.  1991.  Specialization, foraging efficiency, and nutritional relationships in a solitary bee, Heriades carinata Cresson (Hymenoptera:Megachilidae). Master of Science:56pp..
Pregitzer KS, Burton AJames.  1991.  Sugar maple seed production and nitrogen in litterfall. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 21:1148-1153.
Randlett DL.  1991.  Sulfate adsorption and immobilization in Michigan northern hardwood forests along an atmospheric deposition gradient. Master of Science:30pp..
Jung Y, Burch JB.  1991.  A taxonomic review of the Gyraulus subgenus Torquis. Walkerana. 5:1-18.
Scott DM.  1991.  The time of day of egg laying by the Brown-headed Cowbird and other icterines. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 69:2093-2099.
Fogel RD, Lussenhop J.  1991.  The University of Michigan soil biotron: a platform for soil biology research in a natural forest. Plant Root Growth: An Ecological Perspective. :61-68.
Burton AJames, Ramm CW, Pregitzer KS.  1991.  Use of multivariate methods in forest research site selection. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 21:1573-1580.
MacDonald NW, Burton AJames, Jurgensen MF, McLaughlin JW, Mroz GD.  1991.  Variation in forest soil properties along a Great Lakes air pollution gradient. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1709-1715.
D. Barnhisel R.  1991.  Zooplankton spine induces aversion in small fish predators. Oecologia. 88:444-450.