Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Afforestation Effects on Soil Carbon Storage in the United States: A Synthesis. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 77:1035-1047.
2013. Auditory and visual threat recognition in captive-reared Great Lakes piping plovers (Charadrius melodus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 144:153-162.
2013. Canopy Controls on the Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Biogenic Ozone and Aerosol Precursors. Michigan Journal of Sustainability. 1
2013. Canopy Structural Changes Following Widespread Mortality of Canopy Dominant Trees. Forests. 4:537-552.
2013. Canopy-structure effects on surface roughness parameters: Observations in a Great Lakes mixed-deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 177:24-34.
2013. Characterization of Schoenoplectus pungens in a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland and a Pacific Northwestern Estuary. Wetlands. 33:445-458.
2013. Chronic nitrogen deposition alters the structure and function of detrital food webs in a northern hardwood ecosystem. Ecological Applications. 23:1311-1321.
2013. Chronic nitrogen deposition reduces the abundance of dominant forest understory and groundcover species. Forest Ecology and Management. 293:39-48.
2013. .
2013. Community-specific impacts of exotic earthworm invasions on soil carbon dynamics in a sandy temperate forest. Ecology. 94:2827-2837.
2013. Comparison of soil organic matter dynamics at five temperate deciduous forests with physical fractionation and radiocarbon measurements. Biogeochemistry. :457-476.
2013. Contrasting Hydraulic Strategies during Dry Soil Conditions in Quercus rubra and Acer rubrum in a Sandy Site in Michigan. Forests. 4:1106-1120.
2013. Dynamics of nitrogen oxides and ozone above and within a mixed hardwood forest in northern Michigan. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 13:7301-7320.
2013. Effects of phenological change on ecosystem productivity of temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests in North America. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. 36:363-371.
2013. Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Impacts Abundance and Diversity of Nitrogen Cycling Functional Genes in Soil. Microbial Ecology. 65:394-404.
2013. Evaluating the agreement between measurements and models of net ecosystem exchange at different times and timescales using wavelet coherence: an example using data from the North American Carbon Program Site-Level Interim Synthesis. Biogeosciences. 10:6893-6909.
2013. Evidence of autumn phenology control on annual net ecosystem productivity in two temperate deciduous forests. Ecological Engineering. 60:88-95.
2013. A Genetically-Based Latitudinal Cline in the Emission of Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatile Organic Compounds. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39:1101-1111.
2013. Interannual variability of net ecosystem productivity in forests is explained by carbon flux phenology in autumn. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22:994-1006.
2013. Lost in the crowd or hidden in the grass: signal apparency of female polymorphic damselflies in alternative habitats. Animal Behaviour. 86:923-931.
2013. Maintaining high rates of carbon storage in old forests: A mechanism linking canopy structure to forest function. Forest Ecology and Management. 298:111-119.
2013. Microbial Mechanisms Mediating Increased Soil C Storage under Elevated Atmospheric N Deposition. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 79:1191-1199.
2013. Multivariate Conditional Granger Causality Analysis for Lagged Response of Soil Respiration in a Temperate Forest. Entropy. 15:4266-4284.
2013. Mycorrhizal abundance affects the expression of plant resistance traits and herbivore performance. Journal of Ecology. 101:1019-1029.