Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Jr. FKSparrow, Johns RM.  1965.  Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. XVI. Notes on Physoderma from Scirpeae. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie. 51:351-364.
Jr. JHBarrow.  1965.  Observations on Minchinia pickfordae (Barrow 1961) found in snails of the Great Lakes region. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 84:587-593.
Voss EG.  1965.  Our lone native primrose. 13:4.
Chrobak B, Sharp AJ.  1965.  A preliminary comparative study of asexual reproduction in Dicranum flagellare and Dicranum montanum. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 28:122-128.
Jr. FKSparrow.  1965.  A preliminary note on a population of Monoblepharis. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 48:55-58.
Schnell GD.  1965.  Recording the flight-speed of birds by Doppler radar. Living Bird. 4:79-87.
Sharp AJ.  1965.  Review of Index Hepaticarum by C.E.B. Bonner. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 92:141-142.
Ludwig JPinson.  1965.  Ring-billed Gull nesting within Caspian Tern colony. Jack Pine Warbler. 43
De Byle NValentine.  1965.  Short-tailed shrew attacks garter snake. Journal of Mammalogy. 46:329.
Southern WEdward.  1965.  Some additions to the distributional list of Michigan birds. Jack Pine Warbler. 43:43.
Monroe JH.  1965.  Some factors evoking formation of sex organs in Funaria. The Bryologist. 68:337.
Voss EG.  1965.  Some rare and interesting aquatic vascular plants of northern Michigan, with special reference to Cusino Lake (Schoolcraft Co.). Michigan Botanist. 4:11-25.
Dole JWalter.  1965.  Spatial relations in natural populations of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens Schreber, in northern Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 74:464-478.
K. Murrell D.  1965.  Stages in the life cycle of Wardius zibethicus Barker, 1915. Journal of Parasitology. 51:600-604.
Marzolf GRichard.  1965.  Substrate relations of the burrowing amphipod Pontoporeia affinis in Lake Michigan. Ecology. 46:579-592.
Dole JWalter.  1965.  Summer movements of adult leopard frogs, Rana pipiens Schreber, in northern Michigan. Ecology. 46:236-255.
Marzolf GRichard.  1965.  Vertical migration of Pontoporeia affinis (Amphipoda) in Lake Michigan. :pp.133-140.
Voss EG.  1965.  A weedy orchid? 13:4.
Howell JH, Thomas PM.  1964.  Anesthetic effect of 4-styrylpyridine on lamprey and fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 93:206-208.
Schuyler AE.  1964.  A biosystematic study of the Scirpus cyperinus complex. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 115:283-311.
Soper JH, Voss EG.  1964.  Black crowberry in the Lake Superior region. Michigan Botanist. 3:35-38.
Zahner R, Crawford NArnold.  1964.  The clonal concept in aspen site relations. Proceedings of the Second North American Forest Soils Conference.
Garrett PWayne, Zahner R.  1964.  Clonal variation in suckering of aspen obscures effect of various clearcutting treatments. Journal of Forestry. 62:749-750.
Sharp AJ.  1964.  The complete botanist. Science. 146:745-748.
Jr. WHYongue.  1964.  A condition in blood cells of Natrix with reference to Cytamoeba and Toddia. I. Description. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 80