Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Jr. OKMiller.  1971.  The genus Gomphidius with a revised description of the Gomphidiaceae and a key to the genera. Mycologia. 63:1129-1163.
Southern WEdward.  1971.  Gull orientation by magnetic cues: a hypothesis revisited. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 188:295-311.
Bazin M., Saunders GW.  1971.  The hypolimnetic oxygen deficit as an index of eutrophication in Douglas Lake, Michigan. The Michigan Academician. 3:91-106.
Vitt DH.  1971.  The infrageneric evolution, phylogeny, and taxonomy of the genus Orthotrichum (Musci) in North America. Nova Hedwigia. 21:683-711.
Zollner GA, Graveline J, Green B, Witmer G.  1971.  Inland Lake Study: Douglas Lake.
Merrill D, Wiggins GB.  1971.  The larva and pupa of the caddisfly genus Setodes in North America (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae). Life Science Occasional Papers, Royal Ontario Museum. 19:1-12.
Jr. WHYongue, Jr. JCairns.  1971.  Micro-habitat pH differences from those of the surrounding water. Hydrobiologia. 38:453-461.
Hussey KL.  1971.  A microsporidian hyperparasite of strigeoid trematodes, Nosema strigeoideae sp. n. Journal of Protozoology. 18:676-679.
Cook DR.  1971.  North American species of the genus Hydrochoreutes (Acarina: Pionidae). Michigan Entomologist. 3:108-117.
Campbell EO.  1971.  Notes on the fungal association of two Monotropa species in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 10:63-67.
Stoermer EF, Schelske CL, Feldt L.E.  1971.  Phytoplankton assemblage differences at in shore versus offshore stations in Lake Michigan and their effects on nutrient enrichment experiments. 14th Conference on Great Lakes Research. :114-118.
Schelske CL, Stoermer EF, Feldt L.E.  1971.  Phytoplankton, nutrients, and primary productivity in Lake Michigan as influenced by upwelling. 14th Conference on Great Lakes Research. :102-113.
Smrchek JC.  1971.  Present status of Elliptio complanatus in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Sterkiana. 43:10.
Jr. JCairns, Beamer T, Churchill S, Ruthven JA.  1971.  Response of protozoans to detergent-enzymes. Hydrobiologia. 38:193-205.
Goodell SG, Wheeler CA, Edgar ALee.  1971.  Some effects of automobile exhaust on litter invertebrates. The Michigan Academician. 4:245-253.
Jr. JCairns.  1971.  The Structure and Function of Freshwater Microbial Communities. :301pp..
Edgar ALee.  1971.  Studies on the biology and ecology of Michigan Phalangida (Opiliones). Miscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan. 144:64pp..
Rogerson CT, Mazzer SJ.  1971.  Two new species of Hypomyces from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 10:107-113.
Schwintzer CR, Moreshet S.  1971.  Water use by bog shrubs. Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin. 59:28-32.