Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Jr. HJCarrick, Lowe RL.  1989.  Benthic algal response to N and P enrichment along a pH gradient. Hydrobiologia. 179:119-127.
Madsen BJean.  1989.  Biogeomorphology and spatial structure of northern patterned peatlands. Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife. DOE Symposium Series No. 61:235-247.
Rogerson CT, Samuels GJ.  1989.  Boleticolous species of Hypomyces. Mycologia. 81:413-432.
Anderson TR.  1989.  Determinate vs. indeterminate laying in the House Sparrow. The Auk. 106:730-732.
Sicko-Goad L, Stoermer EF, Kociolek JP.  1989.  Diatom resting cell rejuvenation and formation: time course, species records and distribution. Journal of Plankton Research. 11:375-389.
Karowe DN.  1989.  Differential effect of tannic acid on two tree-feeding Lepidoptera: implications for theories of plant anti-herbivore chemistry. Oecologia. 80:507-512.
Cassin J.L.  1989.  Ecological determinants of host plant range in the willow flea beetle Altica subplicata LeConte (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Master of Science:108pp..
Sommers LA.  1989.  The effects of female age and habitat variation on the nesting success of Tree Swallows. Master of Science:42pp..
Lewis MC, Uglem GL.  1989.  Evolution of cutaneous sugar transport functions in Proterometra dickermani (Digenea: Azygiidae). Journal of Parasitology. 75:465-467.
Karowe DN.  1989.  Facultative monophagy as a consequence of prior feeding experience: behavioral and physiological specialization in Colias philodice larvae. Oecologia. 78:106-111.
Shaffer RL.  1989.  Four white-capped species of Russula (Russulaceae). Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden. 49:348-354.
W. Kerfoot C.  1989.  Glucosinolates and phenolics in aquatic macrophytes: implications for allelopathy studies and suggested practical uses for metabolic blocking agents. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Control Resource Program. Miscellaneous Paper A-89-1
Jolls CL, Chenier TC.  1989.  Gynodioecy in Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae): progeny success, experimental design, and maternal effects. American Journal of Botany. 76:1360-1367.
Burch JB, Jung Y.  1989.  Gyraulus (Torquis) huronensis, a new species of freshwater snail (Lymnophila, Planorbidae) from the North American Great Lakes. Walkerana. 3:217-227.
Marks JC, Lowe RL.  1989.  The independent and interactive effects of snail grazing and nutrient enrichment on structuring periphyton communities. Hydrobiologia. 185:9-17.
Blankespoor HD, Babiker SM, Blankespoor CL.  1989.  Influence of temperature on the development of Schistosoma haematobium in Bulinus truncatus. Journal of Medical and Applied Malacology. 1:123-131.
Um IBartholome.  1989.  Light climate and canopy photosynthesis in a successional forest. Doctor of Philosophy:103pp..
Moore FR, Jr. REGatten.  1989.  Locomotor performance of hydrated, dehydrated, and osmotically stressed anuran amphibians. Herpetologica. 45:101-110.
Pearce TAllen.  1989.  Loping locomotion in terrestrial gastropods. Walkerana. 3:229-237.
White DS, Sexton OJ.  1989.  The monarch butterfly (Lepidoptera: Danaidae) as prey for the dragonfly Hagenius brevistylus (Odonata: Gomphidae). Entomological News. 100:129-132.
Burch JB.  1989.  North American Freshwater Snails.
Fairchild GWinfield, Campbell JM, Lowe RL.  1989.  Numerical response of Chydorids (Cladocera) and Chironomids (Diptera) to nutrient-enhanced periphyton growth. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 114:369-382.
Buckley DScott.  1989.  Recruitment of Acer saccharum and Acer rubrum in a secondary successional stand in northern Michigan. Master of Science:64pp..
Sharik TL, Ford RH, Davis ML.  1989.  Repeatability of invasion of eastern white pine on dry sites in northern lower Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 122:133-141.
Sharik TL, Ford RH, Davis ML.  1989.  Repeatability of Invasion of Eastern White Pine on Dry Sites in Northern Lower Michigan. American Midland Naturalist. 122(1):133.