Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Stemberger RS.  1990.  Keratella armadura (Rotifera: Brachionidae), a new rotifer from a Michigan bog lake. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68:2306-2309.
Lapin M.  1990.  The landscape ecosystem groups of the University of Michigan Biological Station: classification, mapping, and analysis of ecological diversity. Master of Science:148pp..
Shaffer RL.  1990.  Notes on the Archaeinae and other russulas. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 17:295-306.
Pringle CMann.  1990.  Nutrient spatial heterogeneity: effects on community structure, physiognomy, and diversity of stream algae. Ecology. 71:905-920.
Bach CE.  1990.  Plant successional stage and insect herbivory: flea beetles on sand-dune willow. Ecology. 71:598-609.
Scholtens BGene.  1990.  Pre-alighting host plant location in the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton, and its implications for host range evolution in butterflies. Doctor of Philosophy:183pp..
Karowe DN.  1990.  Predicting host range evolution: colonization of Coronilla varia by Colias philodice (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Evolution. 44:1637-1647.
Trumbo ST.  1990.  Regulation of brood size in a burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosus (Silphidae). Journal of Insect Behavior. 3:491-500.
Trumbo ST.  1990.  Reproductive benefits of infanticide in a biparental burying beetle Nicrophorus orbicollis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 27:269-273.
Trumbo ST.  1990.  Reproductive success, phenology and biogeography of burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus). The American Midlands Naturalist. 124:1-11.
Sakai AK.  1990.  Sex ratios of red maple (Acer rubrum) populations in northern lower Michigan. Ecology. 71:571-580.
Sakai AK.  1990.  Sexual reproduction of red maple (Acer rubrum) in northern lower Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 123:309-318.
R. Hunter D.  1990.  Shell dissolution rate in freshwater pulmonate snails: influence of periostracum and water chemistry. The Nautilus. 104:87-91.
Hazlett BA.  1990.  Source and nature of disturbance-chemical system in crayfish. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 16:2263-2275.
Pearce TAllen.  1990.  Spool and line technique for tracing field movements of terrestrial snails. Walkerana. 4:307-316.
Thomann TG.  1990.  Stiffness and strength changes in cohesionless soils due to stress history and dynamic disturbance. Doctor of Philosophy:183pp..
Stewart PM, McCormick PV, Pratt JR, Jr. JCairns.  1990.  Structural and functional comparisons of protozoan assemblages at three types of sewage treatment plants. Progress in Environmental Science and Technology. 5:129-144.
Myers P, Svendsen GE.  1990.  Survey of mammals along the Beaver Rim road right-of-way, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. :54pp..
Burch JB, Pearce TAllen.  1990.  Terrestrial Gastropoda. Soil Biology Guide. :201-309.
Rotenberry JT.  1990.  Variable floral phenology: temporal resource heterogeneity and its implication for flower visitors. Holarctic Ecology. 13:1-10.
Newman RM, III ZHanscom, W. Kerfoot C.  1990.  Watercress and amphipods: potential chemical defense in a spring stream macrophyte. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 16:245-259.