Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Heinen JThomas.  1992.  Behavioral anti-predator strategies in newly-metamorphosed American toads (Bufo americanus) in response to predation risk by Eastern garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis). Doctor of Philosophy:124pp..
Palik BJ, Pregitzer KS.  1992.  A comparison of presettlement and present-day forests on two bigtooth aspen-dominated landscapes in northern Lower Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 127:327-338.
John E.  1992.  Distribution patterns and interthalline interactions of epiphytic foliose lichens. Canadian Journal of Botany. 70:818-823.
Eitan OS.  1992.  Ecology of the bagworm moth Psyche casta. Master of Science:38pp..
Keller TAllen.  1992.  The effect of the branchiobdellid annelid Cambarincola fallax on the growth rate and condition of the crayfish Orconectes rusticus. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 7:165-171.
Powell ANeva.  1992.  The effects of early experience on the development, behavior, and survival of shorebirds. Doctor of Philosophy:109pp..
DeYoe HR, Lowe RL, Marks JC.  1992.  Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the endosymbiont load of Rhopalodia gibba and Epithemia turgida (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 28:773-777.
Barnese LE, Lowe RL.  1992.  Effects of substrate, light, and benthic invertebrates on algal drift in small streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 11:49-59.
Scott DM, Weatherhead PJ, C. Ankney D.  1992.  Egg-eating by female Brown-headed Cowbirds. The Condor. 94:579-584.
Pregitzer KS, Burton AJames, Mroz GD, Liechty HO, MacDonald NW.  1992.  Foliar sulfur and nitrogen along an 800-km pollution gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 22:1761-1769.
White DS, Hendricks SPatricia, Fortner SL.  1992.  Groundwater-surface water interactions and the distributions of aquatic macrophytes. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. :247-255.
Cuthbert FJean, Powell ANeva.  1992.  Habitaat and reproductive success of piping plover nesting on Great Lakes islands. The Wilson Bulletin. 104:155-161.
Powell ANeva, Cuthbert FJean.  1992.  Habitat and reproductive success of Piping Plovers nesting on Great Lakes islands. The Wilson Bulletin. 104:155-161.
J. Wallace B, Webster JR, Lowe RL.  1992.  High-gradient streams of the Appalachians. Biodiversity of the Southeastern United States: Aquatic Communities. :133-191of779.
Atkinson D.  1992.  How long is the life span of a root? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 7:173-174.
Hazlett BA, Anderson FE, Esman LA, Stafford CP, Munro E.  1992.  Interspecific behavioral ecology of the crayfish Orconectes rusticus. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 7:69-76.
MacDonald NW, Burton AJames, Liechty HO, Witter JA, Pregitzer KS, Mroz GD, Richter DD.  1992.  Ion leaching in forest ecosystems along a Great Lakes air pollution gradient. Journal of Environmental Quality. 21:614-623.
Stellin C.  1992.  Lessons in Nature. :36-42..
Hendricks SPatricia.  1992.  Longitudinal physicochemical and biological patterns near the groundwater-surface water interface (hyporheic zone) within a sandy-bed, third-order stream. Doctor of Philosophy:177pp..
Low BS, Wcislo WT.  1992.  Male foretibial plates and mating in Crabro cribrellifer (Packard) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), with a survey of expanded male forelegs in Apoidea. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 85:219-223.
Scheiner SM.  1992.  Measuring pattern diversity. Ecology. 73:1860-1867.
Dawson WR, Carey C., Hof TJVan’t.  1992.  Metabolic aspects of shivering thermogenesis in passerines during winter. Ornis Scandinavica. 23:381-387.
Trumbo ST.  1992.  Monogamy to communal breeding: exploitation of a broad resource base by burying beetles (Nicrophorus). Ecological Entomology. 17:289-298.
Karowe DN.  1992.  Plant secondary chemistry and the evolution of feeding specialization in insect herbivores: a different perspective. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships.
M. Dobson C, Pierce L, Sarabandi K, Ulaby F, Sharik TL.  1992.  Preliminary analysis of ERS-1 SAR for forest ecosystem studies. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 30:203-211.