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Belowground Carbon Cycling Stability: Forest Resilience and Threshold Experiment

Project Abstract: 
Forests hold about 45% of total terrestrial carbon and can offset fossil fuel emission by as much as 20% (Bonan 2008). Therefore, they play an essential role in sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere into biomass. Extreme forest disturbances alter vegetation structure and physiology, which significantly impacts the ability of the forest to sequester carbon (C) (Gough et al 2007). More recent work has shown that some forests, including those at UMBS, have high C cycling stability following disturbance (Gough et al 2013) but less is known about how C cycling stability changes across disturbances of varying severities and types. Since disturbances are increasing globally every year, there is a need to better understand how disturbances change patterns of forest C cycling as well as identify mechanisms supporting thresholds of C cycling stability. The Forest Resilience and Threshold Experiment (FoRTE) is an experimental disturbance project aiming to explore forest structural and functional mechanism underlying thresholds of C cycling stability following disturbance. The motivation behind this project stems from the results of the FASET experiment implemented in 2008. This experiment led to the surprising result that these northern hardwood forests showed high NPP resistance and resilience following mid-severity disturbance. However, since FASET was a landscape experiment that did not specifically target levels of disturbance severity, we are limited in the scope of conclusions we can draw about mechanisms driving thresholds of stability along a disturbance severity gradient. FoRTE has thus been designed to tightly manipulate disturbance severity, providing the opportunity to ask specific questions about the mechanisms that underlie thresholds of forest C cycling stability. My PhD research focuses on belowground C cycling stability across a disturbance severity gradient. On average, two-thirds of forest carbon is stored in the soil and soil respiration (Rs) can account for upwards of 80% of total ecosystem respiration (Curtis et al 2005). Therefore, quantifying belowground C cycling stability is an important, and oftentimes under represented, component of overall ecosystem stability. To quantify belowground C cycling stability, we are using a multi-dimensional stability framework adopted from Hillebrand et al 2018 that allows us to capture the nuances of C cycling response to disturbance with four distinct but related measures of stability—resistance, resilience, temporal stability and recovery (Figure 1). In the first two seasons following the implementation FoRTE via stem girdling, we found a significant, linear decline bulk Rs resistance with increasing disturbance severity, suggesting Rs is initially highly sensitive to rising disturbance severity (Figure 2). In addition, we found complete resistance in heterotrophic respiration (Rh) across the disturbance severity gradient (no significant effect of disturbance severity on Rh) which suggests that the suppression of carbohydrate flow to the roots leading to decreased root metabolic activity is driving Rs resistance patterns in the first season following disturbance (Figure 2). As the structural and functional impacts of experimental disturbance in FoRTE continues to unfold, I aim to quantify changes in belowground C cycling stability in the second year following the disturbance. Building on my work from the last two summers, I will quantify how patterns of Rs across the disturbance severity gradient have changed since the disturbance. Is Rs showing even higher sensitivity to rising disturbance severity, suggesting a further decline in Rs resistance? Or, is Rs showing signs of a path to recovery? Secondly, I will explore how mechanisms driving patterns in Rs response have changed since the disturbance. Is the decline in root metabolic activity still driving patterns of Rs, or is there evidence that Rh has started to play a role from disturbance-driven decomposition?
Years Active: 
2021 to 2022
Research sites: 
Study site and experimental design: My field research will take place from June 14th to August 8st, 2021 in the Forest Resilience and Threshold Experiment (FoRTE) plots situated on University of Michigan Biological Station Property. The FoRTE study design contains 4 replicate plots distributed across a 16ha area. Each replicate represents a disturbance severity gradient containing four 0.5ha plots randomly assigned to a treatment of either 0% (control), 45%, 65% or 85% tree biomass mortality. Each 0.5 ha plot is divided in half, creating two subplots that will be designated as either “top-down” or “bottom-up”, representing two different disturbance types. Within each of the 32 subplots, there are 5 evenly spaced collection sites where bulk soil respiration collars, root in-growth cores and leaf litter traps are spatially paired. In addition, there are four 1m2 destructive soil plots in each subplot where soil samples will be collected for in vitro heterotrophic respiration. Bulk soil respiration (Rs): To continue assessing soil carbon stability across a disturbance severity gradient, Rs will be measured concurrently with soil temperature (Ts) and soil moisture (2). Rs will be measured with a Licor-6400 portable gas analyzer and closed soil CO2 chamber (LI-COR Inc, Lincoln, NE, USA), Ts will be measured to 7cm with a thermal couple wire attached to the LI-COR and 2 will be measured to 20cm with a CS620 soil moisture probe. Rs measurements will be taken at all 160 soil collars twice a month for a total of 6 measurements per collar. Heterotrophic respiration (Rh): To isolate the microbial component of Rs across a disturbance severity gradient, Rh will be measured using an in-vitro root-free soil incubation technique. 3 pseudo-replicate soil cores will be harvested to 10 cm in all 132 destructive soil plots. Soil cores will be stored for 24 hours at 4C before being processed and sieved to eliminate roots. Root-free soil will be weighed into ventilated mason jars and incubated at the average soil temperature (Ts ) for two weeks and then Rh will be measured with a LI-6400 and custom soil chamber cuvette (Curtis et al 2005). Four efflux values will be recorded in each mason jar over 90 second intervals. Soil jars will be vented for 75 mins to stabilize gas exchange before measuring (time to stabilization was determined from a degassing trial with a randomized subset of soil jars, n = 5). Rh will be measured from all 132 destructive soil plots once a month for a total of 3 samples per plot. Fine-root production: To measure changes in fine-root NPP across a disturbance severity gradient, 20cm mesh in-growth cores were paired with each Rs collar. 4 cores will be re-installed in each subplot for a total of 120 cores. Cores will be kept in the soil for the remainder of the growing season and harvested in November 2021. Total root NPP will be estimated by scaling dried fine-root mass from each in-growth core. Fine-root structure: To measure rhizosphere structural changes across a disturbance severity gradient, changes in specific root length and diameter will be quantified by collecting fine-root samples from all 132 destructive soil plots. Samples will be analyzed using the WinRhizo scanner and software package. To quantify compensatory root growth post disturbance, WinRhizo will be used to identify individual roots by species.
Funding agency: 
National Science Foundation