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Burn Treatment Deer Exclosure Plot (1997) Ground Vegetation from July 1998

Variables (legacy): 


  • Label: Plot Number
  • Definition: The plot number (value between 1-20) within the deer exclosure plot.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Subplot Number
  • Definition: Subplot number (1-8) indicating subdivision of the plots within the deer exclosure plot.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Vegetation Type
  • Definition: Type of vegetation: 1 = Trees, 2 = Woody Shrubs, 3 = Herbaceous, 4 = Graminae, 5 = Miscellaneous
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 1 = Trees
    • 2 = Woody Shrubs
    • 3 = Herbaceous
    • 4 = Graminae
    • 5 = Miscellaneous
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Burn Plot Species Codes
  • Definition: Species codes used in UMBS deer enclosure treatment and control plots in July 1997 and September 1999. A prescribed burn was conducted in 1998.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 1 = Acer rubrum < 40 cm (red maple < 40 cm)
    • 2 = Acer rubrum >40 cm (red maple >40 cm)
    • 3 = Acer saccharum (sugar maple)
    • 4 = Betula papyrifera (white birch)
    • 5 = Fagus grandifolia (American beech)
    • 6 = Pinus banksiana (jack pine)
    • 7 = Pinus resinosa (red pine)
    • 8 = Pinus strobus (white pine)
    • 9 = Pinus strobus stumps (white pine stumps)
    • 10 = Populus grandidentata (bigtooth aspen)
    • 11 = Prunus serotina (black cherry)
    • 12 = Quercus rubra < 40 cm (red oak < 40 cm)
    • 13 = Quercus rubra > 40 cm (red oak > 40 cm)
    • 14 = Tsuga canadensis (eastern hemlock)
    • 15 = Acer pensylvanicum (striped maple)
    • 16 = Amelanchier spp (Serviceberry)
    • 17 = Chimaphila umbellata (pipsissewa, prince's-pine)
    • 18 = Diervilla lonicera (bush-honeysuckle)
    • 19 = Epigaea repens (trailing arbutus)
    • 20 = Gaultheria procumbens (wintergreen, teaberry)
    • 21 = Gaylussacia baccata (black huckleberry)
    • 22 = Lonicera canadensis (fly honeysuckle)
    • 23 = Vaccinium angustifolium (low sweet blueberry)
    • 24 = Vaccinium myrtilloides (velvetleaf, Canada blueberry)
    • 25 = Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum)
    • 26 = Antennaria spp (Pussy-toes)
    • 27 = Apocynum androsaemifolium (Dogbane)
    • 28 = Aster macrophylla (big-leaved aster)
    • 29 = Aster spp (Aster)
    • 30 = Commandra umbellata (bastard toadflax)
    • 31 = Convovulus spp (Bindweed)
    • 32 = Cypripedium spp (Lady slipper)
    • 33 = Hieracium aurantiacum (orange hawkweed)
    • 34 = Hieracium floribundum (smoothish hawkweed)
    • 35 = Hieracium venosum (veined hawkweed)
    • 36 = Maianthemum canadense (false lily-of-the-valley)
    • 37 = Melampyrum lineare (cow-wheat)
    • 38 = Monotropa heterophylla (Indian pipe)
    • 39 = Pyrola elliptica (shinleaf)
    • 40 = Solidago spp (Goldenrod)
    • 41 = Trientalis borealis (star-flower)
    • 42 = Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)
    • 43 = Danthonia spicata (oat grass)
    • 44 = Oryzopsis asperifolia (rice-grass)
    • 45 = Panicum columbianum (panic grass)
    • 46 = Panicum depauperatum (panic grass)
    • 47 = Panicum spp (panic grass)
    • 48 = Poa compressa (Canada blue grass)
    • 49 = Poa pratensis (Kentucky blue grass)
    • 50 = bare soil (bare soil)
    • 51 = Cladina spp (Reindeer moss)
    • 52 = Cladonia spp (British soldiers)
    • 53 = Lichen spp (Lichens)
    • 54 = Lycopodium clavatum (running ground pine)
    • 55 = Lycopodium tristachyum (ground cedar)
    • 56 = mosses (mosses)
    • 57 = Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern)
    • 58 = woody debris > 4" (stumps) (woody debris > 4" (stumps))
    • 59 = Organic matter (Organic matter)
    • 60 = small stumps / debris (small stumps / debris)
    • 61 = Calystegia spithamaeae (Low bindweed (aka stretch heart))
    • 62 = Silene antirrhina (sleepy catchfly)
    • 63 = Lycodendronium
    • 64 = Vaccinium ovalifolium
    • 66 = Abies balsamea (balsam fir)
    • 67 = Lycopodium dendroideum
    • 68 = PALATS (17, 5, Cont 98)
    • 70 = Lycopodium spp
    • 71 = Burned
    • 72 = Unburned
    • 73 = Prunus pensylvanica (pin cherry)
    • 74 = Quercus rubra stump sprouts (red oak stump sprouts)
    • 75 = Acer rubrum stump sprouts (red maple stump sprouts)
    • 76 = Al's unknown (Al's unknown)
    • 77 = Rhus sp (sumac)
    • 78 = Non-sprouting stumps
    • 79 = Carex sp (aka Spider grass)
    • 80 = Quercus rubra sprouts (red oak sprouts)
    • 81 = Acer rubrum sprouts (red maple sprouts)
    • 82 = Aralia hispida (bristly sarsaparilla)
    • 83 = Rubus allegheniensis (highbush blackberry)
    • 84 = Rubus flagellaris (northern dewberry)
    • 85 = Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen)
    • 86 = Panicum (tuft) (panic grass (tuft))
    • 87 = Hieracium spp (Hawkweed)
    • 88 = Conyza canadensis
    • 89 = Gnaphalium helleri
    • 90 = Verbascum thapsus
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Coverage class
  • Definition: Cover percentage of each vascular plant species was determined by means of a sampling frame (equal to 0.1% of the subplot) and recorded using a 12-category scale.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 1 = <0.025 % coverage, <0.25 frames, 0.125 median frames, 0-50 cm^2 area
    • 2 = 0.026-0.05 % coverage, 0.26-0.5 frames, 0.375 median frames, 51-100 cm^2 area
    • 3 = 0.051-0.1 % coverage, 0.51-1.0 frames, 0.75 median frames, 101-1000 cm^2 area
    • 4 = 0.11-0.5 % coverage, 1.1-5.0 frames, 3.0 median frames, 1001-5000 cm^2 area
    • 5 = 0.51 % coverage, 5.1-10.0 frames, 7.5 median frames, 0.51-1 m^2 area
    • 6 = 1.01-2.0 % coverage, 10.1-20 frames, 15 median frames, 1.01-2.0 m^2 area
    • 7 = 2.01-4.0 % coverage, 20.1-40.0 frames, 30 median frames, 2.01-4.0 m^2 area
    • 8 = 4.01-8.0 % coverage, 40.1-80.0 frames, 60 median frames, 4.01-8.0 m^2 area
    • 9 = 8.01-16.0 % coverage, 80.1-160.0 frames, 120 median frames, 8.01-16.0 m^2 area
    • 10 = 16.01-32.0 % coverage, 160.1-320.0 frames, 240 median frames, 16.01-32.0 m^2 area
    • 11 = 32.01-64.0 % coverage, 320.1-640.0 frames, 480 median frames, 32.01-64.0 m^2 area
    • 12 = 64.01-100.0 % coverage, 640.1-1000.0 frames, 820 median frames, 64.01-100.0 m^2 area
  • Missing values: None specified


Each exclosure plot measures 80 meters north-south and 50 meters east-west (0.4 hectare; 0.990567 acre). These exclosure plots are subdivided into 20 plots measuring 20 meters north-south and 10 meters east-west. Each plot is further subdivided into 5 meter by 5 meter subplots.

All ground level woody and herbaceous vegetation was identified to species or genus. Cover percentage of each vascular plant species was determined by means of a sampling frame (equal to 0.1% of the subplot) and recorded using a 12-category scale.

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timestampApr 03, 2019