VariablesVariables (legacy): Plot Label: Plot ID Definition: 16 m plots in FASET Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Species Label: Tree Species Definition: The abbreviated scientific name of each tree species. Type: Code list Codes: ACRU = Acer rubrum QURU = Quercus rubrua PIST = Pinus strobis ACSA = Acer saccharum FAGR = Fagus grandifolia Missing values: None specified , canopy Label: Canopy Position Definition: The overstory or understory position of the referenced tree. Type: Code list Codes: O = overstory U = understory Missing values: None specified , percent_N Label: Percent Nitrogen Definition: Weight percent nitrogen in the sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: percent Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.001 Missing values: NA = , percent_C Label: Percent Carbon Definition: Weight percent carbon in the sample. Type: Physical quantity Unit: percent Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: NA = , CN_molar_ratio Label: Carbon Nitrogen Molar Ratio Definition: Molar ratio of C:N in the sample of interest. Calculated as follows: C/N = %C / %N * 1.17. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified