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Forestry Plot BS46A


A study of red pine, jack pine, and scotch pine in a plantation west of Greenstar road, near the meadow. The DBH of number-tagged trees was recorded in 1951, 1956, and 1961, and heights were recorded in 1946, 1951, 1956, and 1961. Tree ID numbers are according to plantation rows and columns, where tree 1 is the northwestmost individual, tree 10 is the southwestmost individual, tree 11 is immediately east of tree 10, and tree 20 is immediately east of tree 1. Records identified with an "a" (e.g. 85a) apparently refer to trees in the vicinity of number-tagged trees.

In October 1931, the plantation containing this plot was planted with about 650 red pine and 350 scotch pine. After 5 years, survival of this crop was estimated at about 40%. In spring 1937, 200 more red pine and 300 jack pine were planted. Some maintenance, such as pruning was performed. Red pine and jack pine were drawn from northern lower Michigan stock, while scotch pine seed was taken from Bavaria.

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timestampApr 03, 2019