Soil CO 2 efluxes
To address objective (A), Dr. Santos plans to visit the UMBS in late April to install eosFD
continuous soil CO 2 flux sensors and associated dataloggers across four disturbance severity
level treatments (0 or control, 45%, 65, 85%) within one treatment replicate. We will install 2
sensors per severity level and will take advantage of existing infrastructure at the sites. The CO 2
flux sensors will continuously collect soil respiration data for one year or longer, depending on
funding. To examine whether there are explanatory relationships between soil respiration and
soil properties, Dr. Santos will install water potential and temperature sensors at two depths (7.5
and 20 cm depths) across disturbance replicates and severity level treatments. The data from
these sensors will complement the suit of measurements collected from sensors already
installed at the site (e.g., soil volumetric moisture).
Soil carbon storage
To address objective (B) Dr. Santos plans to visit the UMBS in the summer to collect soil
samples at different depths (0-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-100 cm) to evaluate changes in soil C pools
across disturbance severity level treatments (0 or control, 45%, 65, 85%). The visit will also
include data collection from sensors and any maintenance needed to the infrastructure.
Measurements of soil carbon concentration in particulate and mineral-associated organic
matter, and microbial biomass will be conducted in Dr. Santos’ lab at ORNL.