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Disturbance and Resources Across Global Grasslands (DRAGNet)

Project Abstract: 
The Disturbance and Resources Across Global Grasslands (DRAGNet) project aims to quantify community assembly dynamics and trajectories of herbaceous plant community and ecosystem recovery under a range of biotic and abiotic conditions, and test whether assembly, recovery rate, or trajectory in herbaceous-dominated plant communities interacts with environmental nutrient enrichment and disturbance. The UMBS DRAGNet site, located in the northern end of the UV-B field, contributes data to this global network and presents a number of additional research opportunities in community and ecosystem ecology.
Status of Research Project: 
Years Active: 
2021 to 2024
DRAGNet will consist of 5 completely randomized blocks each with 5, 5x5m plots with each receiving one of the following treatments: long-term nutrient addition (10+ years), physical disturbance (3 sequential years of removal of aboveground vegetation, litter, rhizomes and tilling of the soil), nutrient addition combined with physical disturbance; short-term nutrient addition (5 years); or no treatments (controls).