Historical aerial image of Saginaw Forest and 500-meter-buffer zone area, taken March 27th, 1900 at 1:24,000 scale. Saginaw Forest is located in the southern part of this photo - see dataset for its northern counterpart. More information please go to http://semcog.org/Data-and-Maps/Aerial-Imagery#2258257-historic-imagery. Data type: Raster data
Saginaw Forest
3900 W Liberty Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
United States
See map: Google Maps
6 files in this archive
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.img
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.img.aux.xml
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.img.vat.cpg
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.img.vat.dbf
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.img.xml
- sf_3-27-90_south_semcog_WR_buffer.rrd
Historical images were scanned and georectified to a standard projection by the UM Forests McIntire-Stennis project (K. Bergen, PI).
Cite As: SEMCOG (1990). Aerial photograph 90-183-8-30, March 27, 1990. Scale 1:24,000.