Bedrock topography and glacial drift thickness in Cheboygan County

TitleBedrock topography and glacial drift thickness in Cheboygan County
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1976
AuthorsJr. RDHaag
EditorKesling R.V, Johnson A.M, Sorenson H.O
Book TitleDevonian Strata of the Afton-Onaway Area, Michigan, pp. ?.
VolumePapers on Paleontology No. 17
PublisherUniversity of Michigan Museum, Division of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, MI

Bedrock topography and approximate glacial drift thickness have been mapped in Cheboygan and Emmet Counties as part of a project undertaken by The University of Michigan Biological Station, in cooperation with the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research. Only Cheboygan County is presented in this discussion.