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Mycorrhizal fungal range dynamics and climate change

Project Abstract: 
OVERVIEW: Organismal interactions form the foundation of every ecosystem. The most widespread and biogeochemically impactful of these interactions is the nutritional and protective symbioses between plants and mycorrhizal fungi. Yet, the stability of plant-mycorrhizal fungal interactions in the Anthropocene is far from certain. Mycorrhizal fungi can ameliorate negative outcomes of climate change on plant distributions, growth, survival, and reproduction. But, if plant and mycorrhizal fungal symbiont partners react divergently to shifting climates, previously beneficial interactions may be decoupled in space and across time creating no-analog biological communities with unknown functions. I aim to address the potential for plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis decoupling by examining the spatial variation in mycorrhizal fungal associations across ten foundational tree species ranges (AIM I), and short and long-term temporal variation in plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations at continental scales (AIM II). Through common gardens in AIM III and newly developed, inquiry driven, course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURES), undergraduate students and I will test the outcome of symbiosis when plants are grown with mycorrhizal fungi from the leading, center, or trailing edges of their ranges. Students and I will then combine those datasets to create predictive models of the biogeography and function of plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations under current and future climate scenarios (AIM IV). The research and education components of the proposed work are highly integrative in several ways. First, research performed in CURE I will directly address AIMS I, II, and III, by providing data on how the outcome of plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbioses varies across space. Second, students in CURE II will create distributional models of plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations across space and time that directly integrate with AIMS III and IV. INTELLECTUAL MERIT: Research. The proposed work will be the first to explore integrative, untested, and potentially transformative ideas surrounding the spatial and temporal (re)distribution of plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbioses in the Anthropocene. Through AIMS I, II, and III I will create the first ever spatially and temporally resolved dataset of plant and mycorrhizal fungal distributions and outcomes of symbiosis. AIM IV will create novel forecasts of these data in future climate scenarios developing a new paradigm of how plants and mycorrhizal fungi will function at continental scale over the next century. Education. My proposed CURE series will be one of the first experiential learning programs on plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis and the first at UTK. Undergraduate students will learn how to solve complex problems at the forefront of scientific inquiry and apply their knowledge to train middle school students or conduct cutting-edge research. Integration. By cross training an educational and research track of undergraduates at the same time, students will integrate their learning from CUREs and summer experiences. Students will therefore be uniquely equipped to not only understand and implement research on plant-mycorrhizal symbiosis under global change, but to translate research findings to their peers and broader public. BROADER IMPACTS: This project will have wide-ranging impacts in the scientific community and undergraduate population at UTK. It also will enhance STEM education for middle school scholars in Knoxville and nationally through the Easy as Play program. This project will: 1. Improve understanding and modeling of spatiotemporal dynamics of plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations. Given that plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbioses are one of the key drivers of plant growth and fitness, this project will lead to substantial improvements of plant productivity models at large scale, allowing us to constrain future projections of terrestrial carbon sequestration. 2. Improve education of a diverse student community. This project will help educate dozens of underrepresented undergraduate students at UTK and hundreds of middle school scholars, many of whom do not have access to experiential learning opportunities. 3. Train interdisciplinary scientists. All lab personnel, including a postdoctoral researcher and a graduate student, will be trained in a mixture of experimental plant-mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis methods, bioinformatics, and species distribution modeling techniques. 4. Provide open-access data and resources. All data from this project will be freely available within one year of its generation on DOI-tagged repositories in GitHub or the NCBI Sequence Read Archive and research will be published in open access forums.
Status of Research Project: 
Years Active: 
2024 to 2029
Background. Determining differences in plant-mycorrhizal fungal associations across spatial gradients in plant ranges over time can only provide data on how the identity of symbiotic partners changes, not the effect of that identity on the outcome of symbiosis. To test how plants perform with different mycorrhizal fungal symbionts, I will manipulate the identity of mycorrhizal fungal symbionts in two common gardens, one at the northern portion of plant ranges in upper Michigan and one near the southern part of plant ranges in Knoxville, Tennessee. The northern common garden is at the leading edge of three of the EM and two of the AM plant species and will simulate range expansion of all ten focal plant species. The southern common garden is at the trailing edge of four of the EM plant species and three of the AM plant species and will simulate the environmental stress of plants remaining in place at the trailing edge of their current range. As plants move, they will either encounter new mycorrhizal fungal symbionts or co-disperse with their previous mycorrhizal fungal symbionts. Therefore, each common garden will contain a fully factorial combination of plant and mycorrhizal fungal symbiont soils in local soil. To account for the fact that plant species have different range distributions, I will include distance from geographic and/or environmental range center as a covariate in all statistical models. Approach. Common garden design. The northern common garden will be constructed at the University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) in Pellston, MI (see letter of support). The UMBS covers 13,000 acres of forests and has long been used to study many of the focal plant species in the proposed research (Sakai 1990, McCarthy-Neumann and Ibanez 2012, Lee and Ibanez 2021). The southern common garden will take place on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) campus. At each common garden, I will plant seeds of each focal plant species from the leading, center, or trailing edges of their ranges into trenched and lined plots in the ground. Each plant seedling will receive belowground fungal symbionts from their own leading, center, or trailing edge, or a control with no mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria only. Belowground fungal symbionts will always be sourced from the same location for each plant manipulation (i.e., leading edge mycorrhizal fungal symbionts will be placed on seeds collected from the same location when paired). All treatments will be replicated four times for 360 plants per common garden, 720 total (10 plant species x 3 plant sources x 3 fungal symbiont sources x 4 replicates = 360 plants per common garden). Common garden setup. Plant seeds will be collected at maturity from leading, center, and trailing populations in 2024. Seeds will be surface sterilized and stored at 4°C. Fungal symbionts will be collected from rhizosphere soil and plant roots of focal tree species following Kivlin and Hawkes (2018). Spores will be isolated from soil using the sucrose floatation method (Ianson and Allen 1986). Surface-sterilized roots will be ground into a slurry and applied to rhizosphere soils. Seedlings and mycorrhizal fungal inocula will be planted in the ground in trenched plots that will allow recovery of belowground biomass at the end of the experiment. Seedlings will be grown in local soil in each respective common garden that has not been sterilized. These conditions mimic plants and mycorrhizal fungi shifting ranges into new locations that already contain an intact soil microbiome. Common garden measurements. Plant survival, growth, and reproduction will be measured monthly on each plant in each common garden during the growing season for four years (2025-2028). At the end of four years, I will harvest each tree and measure plant biomass, root:shoot ratios, and plant C/N. I will also measure fungal colonization rates and fungal composition in roots as in AIMS I and II. Finally, I will measure soil C/N and potential C fractions (Mineral-Associated Organic Matter [MAOM] and Particulate Organic Matter [POM]) under each plant to understand the ecosystem consequences of shifting plant and mycorrhizal fungal ranges. All methods for these measurements have been honed in the Kivlin Lab over the last five years (see Kivlin et al. 2018, Kivlin et al. 2021). Expected outcomes. I expect plant growth, survival, and reproduction to be highest when plants are grown with mycorrhizal fungal symbionts from the center of their ranges since fungal symbiont specificity is often highest in range centers (e.g., Cobian et al. 2019). Alternatively, if less beneficial mycorrhizal fungal symbionts accumulate at the center of a plant’s range, leading edge soils should decrease negative interactions between plants and fungal symbionts, thereby increasing plant growth, survival, and reproduction (e.g., McCarthy-Neumann and Ibanez 2012). Trailing edges may promote refugia of plant and mycorrhizal fungal symbiont diversity (Love et al. in review). If this is the case, trailing edge mycorrhizal fungal symbionts may increase plant growth, survival, and reproduction more than center or leading edge fungal communities. Mitigating risk. Finding seeds for all ten tree species may be challenging in natural systems, as seed production varies among plant taxa throughout the growing season and from year to year. If seeds cannot be collected from sites sampled in AIM I, I will purchase seeds from commercial vendors from multiple locations (north and south) to ensure high genetic variation in seed source. Additionally, it is well known that seedling mycorrhizal fungal associations can be different in composition (Husband et al. 2002), colonization magnitude, and effects on plant growth (Hawkes et al. 2013) compared to adult plants. While this experiment will be conducted for four years, even juvenile plants may not reflect trends in adults. However, since plants will disperse as seeds as plant ranges shift poleward, the seedling and juvenile plant interactions with mycorrhizal fungi are the crucial establishment phase that will demonstrate how successfully plant and mycorrhizal fungal interactions will persist with climate change. If composition of mycorrhizal fungi is significantly different in seedlings compared to adults in AIMS I and II, I will collect mycorrhizal fungi from seedlings in my twenty core sites to ensure that treatment bias or experimental error did not influence the outcome of the common garden experiments. Finally, establishment success of mycorrhizal fungal inocula is not guaranteed. However, I have experience with these inoculation methods on tree seedlings (see Kivlin and Hawkes 2018) and previous studies have shown persistence of mycorrhizal fungal inocula in natural systems for decades following transplantation (Selosse et al. 1998).
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