The primary growth and yield measures I will produce include site index curves, annual growth
increment and radial accumulation curves, as well as an optimal harvest model which integrates
height, basal area, and mortality contextualized by soil and climate. Site index curves will be
generated using methods similar to the stand specific curves generated in chapter 2, aggregating
data based on tree height growth, rather than aggregating based on stand. This has the added
benefit of being directly comparable to methods used to generate site index curves for jack pine
in northern Ontario several decades ago (Carmean, 1989). Basal area increment and radial
accumulation will be modeled using data from breast height cookies collected for data chapter 2.
I will fit a two parameter Richard’s function to each site, such that the parameterization of the
Richard’s function is expressed in terms of climate, soil, and stand density estimates. To do this I
will aggregate ring width data from all available sources for each site including both breast
height discs and cores, providing a more comprehensive view of the variability in diameter
growth from site to site (Sharma, 2023). Optimal harvest models will be made based on each of
the unique management objectives currently proposed by the MI DNR, including management
for biomass fuel production, maximum wood volume, and usable log metrics provided by mills
local to jack pine management areas in Michigan. A unique consideration brought on by the
collapse of the biomass market through Michigan as well is how rotation lengths may need to be
changed to respond to these market changes, and how that rotation length may change under
climate warming or existing geography related climate variability.
To develop an ecosystem classification scheme, I will begin by revisiting all sites used to
measure productivity for data chapter 2. At these sites, I will use a 1 square meter quadrat to
measure the percent cover for all ground layer and shrub species at 5 points through each plot
within a given stand, as well as a species presence list developed from a meandering transect
through the stand. I will also include tree species abundances collected from initial stand
inventories conducted for chapter 2. I will then put this field collected data into a site by species
matrix to be used in a regression tree analysis, using community dissimilarity as well as climate
and soil parameters for each site, generating a dichotomous tree (Brudvig, et. al., 2014). Splits on
the output dichotomous tree will be based on community dissimilarity, soils, and climate, with
each grouping becoming increasingly narrow for the similarity between site parameters of
included stands. For each level of the regression tree, I will use ANOVA to effectively ‘trim the
tree’, identifying the lowest splits on each branch which demonstrate meaningful differences in
tree productivity. This will provide me with site groupings characterized by their differences in
species composition, soil, climate and tree productivity. After initial analysis on the utility of my
existing dataset for generating productivity classes however, it is likely that I will need to
conduct additional sampling. For these add on sites however, I will focus on more easily
measured estimates of productivity, using cores and heights to fit each site to my previously
generated productivity indices, but carrying out identical floristic measurements to those
described above.