In two or three circular 0.1 ha plots within each stand (with the exception of the severe disturbance stand burned in 1998, which contains two rectangular plots of 0.14 and 0.06 ha), saplings (DBH < 8.0 cm) were counted by species, noted as living or dead, and categorized as DHB < 2.0 cm, DHB = 2.0-3.99 cm, DHB = 4.0-5.99 cm, or DHB = 6.0-7.99 cm.
Aboveground biomass (Ma) was determined in each plot from DBH (d) measurements using allometric equations.
Ma = a * d^b [1]
where species-specific coefficients a and b were determined from reports published on the Great Lakes region and developed from data collected at UMBS (Gough et al. 2008).