Sapling Count and Biomass Data

Variables (legacy): 

Disturbance Type

  • Label: Disturbance Type
  • Definition: Disturbance Type is defined by the severity of the disturbance. The moderate disturbance chronosequence experienced the cut and burn disturbance only once, while the severe disturbance chronosequence experienced the cut and burn disturbance a second time.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • Moderate =
    • Severe =
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Plot_ID
  • Definition: Refers to specific identifications of LTREB plots.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • AC103,104,107 = Art Cooper plots cut and burned in 1911
    • BF7,8 = Bob Farmer plots cut and burned in 1911 and cut in 1952
    • PSA#1,2,3 = Poor Site Aspen plots cut and burned in 1911 and cut in 1972
    • DNR#1,2,3 = Division of Natural Resources plots cut and burned in 1911 and cut in 1987
    • BP36#1,2 = 1936 burn plots
    • BP54#1,2 = 1954 burn plots
    • BP80#1,2,3 = 1980 burn plots
    • BP98#1,2 = 1998 burn plots
  • Missing values: None specified

Stand Age

  • Label: Stand Age
  • Definition: Time interval in years since most recent disturbance.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified


  • Label: Tree Species
  • Definition: A coded indicator of the tree species associated with the sample. Coding pattern combines the first two letters of the genus and species. For example, Acer Rubrum (red maple) is coded ACRU.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • ACRU = Acer rubrum
    • ACSA = Acer saccharum
    • BEPA = Betula papyrifera
    • PIST = Pinus strobus
    • POGR = Populus grandidentata
    • POTR = Populus tremuloides
    • QURU = Quercus rubra
  • Missing values: None specified


In two or three circular 0.1 ha plots within each stand (with the exception of the severe disturbance stand burned in 1998, which contains two rectangular plots of 0.14 and 0.06 ha), saplings (DBH < 8.0 cm) were counted by species, noted as living or dead, and categorized as DHB < 2.0 cm, DHB = 2.0-3.99 cm, DHB = 4.0-5.99 cm, or DHB = 6.0-7.99 cm.
Aboveground biomass (Ma) was determined in each plot from DBH (d) measurements using allometric equations.

Ma = a * d^b [1]

where species-specific coefficients a and b were determined from reports published on the Great Lakes region and developed from data collected at UMBS (Gough et al. 2008).

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resource typefile upload
timestampApr 03, 2019