VariablesVariables (legacy): Date Label: Date Definition: Type: Date/time Date format: DD/MM/YYYY Missing values: None specified , Time Label: Time Definition: Time at which the measurement took place. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Height Label: Height Definition: Height above the ground Type: Physical quantity Unit: meter Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.1 Missing values: None specified , wspeed Label: Wind Speed Definition: Wind speed in meters per second (m s-1) Type: Physical quantity Unit: metersPerSecond Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.1 Missing values: -999 = , wdirection Label: Wind Direction Definition: Wind direction recorded in azimuth degrees (0-365 degrees). Type: Physical quantity Unit: degrees Maximum: 0 Minimum: 365 Precision: 0.1 Missing values: -999 = , wind_U Label: Wind (Horizontal, U) Definition: Wind (U) is the wind in the east-west direction. Type: Physical quantity Unit: metersPerSecond Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: 99.99 = , wind_V Label: Wind (Horizontal, V) Definition: Wind (V) is the wind in the north-south direction. Type: Physical quantity Unit: metersPerSecond Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: 99.99 = , wind_W Label: Wind (Vertical, W) Definition: Wind (W) is the wind in the up-down (vertical) direction. Type: Physical quantity Unit: metersPerSecond Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.01 Missing values: 99.99 = , wshear Label: Wind shear Definition: The size of the vertical gradient of the horizontal wind vector, i.e. the rate of change of horizontal wind with height. The units are (m / s) / m, or s-1. Type: Physical quantity Unit: perSecond Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: 0.001 Missing values: None specified , sd_U Label: Standard Deviation of Wind U Definition: The standard deviation of the wind (U) measurements. Type: Physical quantity Unit: 0.1 Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: Not specified Missing values: 999.9 = , sd_V Label: Standard Deviation of Wind V Definition: The standard deviation of the wind (V) measurements. Type: Physical quantity Unit: 0.1 Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: Not specified Missing values: 999.9 = , sd_W Label: Standard Deviation of Wind W Definition: The standard deviation of the wind (W) measurements. Type: Physical quantity Unit: 0.1 Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: Not specified Missing values: 999.9 = , sd_direction Label: Standard Deviation of Wind Direction Definition: The standard deviation of the wind direction measurements. Type: Physical quantity Unit: 0.1 Maximum: Not specified Minimum: Not specified Precision: Not specified Missing values: 999.9 = , conf Label: Confidence of Overall Wind Values Definition: This is a quality index for overall wind values ranging from 0 to 4. The confidence levels are adjusted by the user within the software, so the values reflect those settings; however, the values selected are not known. Type: Code list Codes: 0 = error 1 = Low confidence 2 = Medium confidence 3 = High confidence 4 = Very high confidence Missing values: None specified , conf_U Label: Confidence of Wind (horizontal, U) Values Definition: Confidence values for horizontal wind U (east-west) values. The quality index of wind values ranges from 0 to 4. The confidence levels are adjusted by the user within the software, so the values reflect those settings; however, the values selected are not known. Type: Code list Codes: 0 = Error 1 = Low confidence 2 = Medium confidence 3 = High confidence 4 = Very high confidence Missing values: None specified , conf_V Label: Confidence of Wind (horizontal, V) Values Definition: Confidence values for horizontal wind V (north-south) values. The quality index of wind values ranges from 0 to 4. The confidence levels are adjusted by the user within the software, so the values reflect those settings; however, the values selected are not known. Type: Code list Codes: 0 = Error 1 = Low confidence 2 = Medium confidence 3 = High confidence 4 = Very high confidence Missing values: None specified , conf_W Label: Confidence of Wind (vertical, W) Values Definition: Confidence values for vertical wind W (up-down) values. The quality index of wind values ranges from 0 to 4. The confidence levels are adjusted by the user within the software, so the values reflect those settings; however, the values selected are not known. Type: Code list Codes: 0 = Error 1 = Low confidence 2 = Medium confidence 3 = High confidence 4 = Very high confidence Missing values: None specified , freq_U Label: Frequency Consensus for Wind (horizontal, U) Definition: A measure of how well different frequencies agree in their results for horizontal wind (east-west, U). Given in the range [0,1], higher values mean better consistency and thus a higher quality of the given wind values. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , freq_V Label: Frequency Consensus for Wind (horizontal, V) Definition: A measure of how well different frequencies agree in their results for horizontal wind (north-south, V). Given in the range [0,1], higher values mean better consistency and thus a higher quality of the given wind values. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , freq_W Label: Frequency Consensus for Wind (vertical, W) Definition: A measure of how well different frequencies agree in their results for vertical wind (up-down, W). Given in the range [0,1], higher values mean better consistency and thus a higher quality of the given wind values. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , sig_U Label: Significance of Wind (horizontal, U) Definition: Evaluation of the horizontal wind (east-west, U) signal quality given in the range of 0-1, where higher values mean a better signal quality compared to the background noise (i.e. significance = 1 - 1 / SNR; SNR = Signal-to-Noise-Ratio). Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , sig_V Label: Significance of Wind (horizontal, V) Definition: Evaluation of the horizontal wind (north-south, V) signal quality given in the range of 0-1, where higher values mean a better signal quality compared to the background noise (i.e. significance = 1 - 1 / SNR; SNR = Signal-to-Noise-Ratio). Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , sig_W Label: Significance of Wind (vertical, W) Definition: Evaluation of the vertical wind (up-down, W) signal quality given in the range of 0-1, where higher values mean a better signal quality compared to the background noise (i.e. significance = 1 - 1 / SNR; SNR = Signal-to-Noise-Ratio). Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , num_pulses_U Label: Number of Pulses (Wind U) Definition: Total number of emitted pulses for horizontal wind (east-west, U) that have been taken into account for the estimation of a wind component. A pulse is a "beep" of a certain frequency within a pulse sequence. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , num_pulses_V Label: Number of Pulses (Wind V) Definition: Total number of emitted pulses for horizontal wind (north-south, V) that have been taken into account for the estimation of a wind component. A pulse is a "beep" of a certain frequency within a pulse sequence. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , num_pulses_W Label: Number of Pulses (Wind W) Definition: Total number of emitted pulses for vertical wind (up-down, W) that have been taken into account for the estimation of a wind component. A pulse is a "beep" of a certain frequency within a pulse sequence. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified , Backscatter Label: Backscatter Definition: The total intensity of the reflected signal. Type: Nominal Missing values: None specified