Soil Collection We collected the top 20 cm of topsoil from two sites on a farm in Pellston, Michigan (45°33'28.5"N 84°37'06.2"W) during early July 2016. Soil with an agricultural history was collected from the edge of a field with a history of corn, hay, and grain rotations for the past 100 years as well as the use of nitrogen-fixing cover crop. We did not observe distinct O or A horizons in the agricultural soil likely due to the tilling process. Naïve soil was collected less than 15 meters away in a forested area. It was observed using a bucket core that the O horizon was between 0 and 1 inch thick across the collection site. The O horizon and the topsoil beneath it were collected, sieved, and homogenized separately. The soil was transferred to 60 D40 cone-tainers (30 agricultural soil, 30 naïve soil) maintaining a 0.5 inch organic layer in the naïve soil cone-tainers. A plastic water bottle was attached to the bottom of each pot to collect leachate (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Randomized Block Design Each soil sample was individually labeled and randomly placed on either the top or bottom shelf with leachate bottles attached under the cone-tainer. Planting Seeds of Brassica rapa (hereafter Wisconsin Fast Plants; Carolina Biological Supply Company) were germinated in standard potting soil in seed starting flats in a growth chamber under 34W florescent lights for a 24-h photoperiod. The flats were watered daily.. Air temperature was maintained at 22ᵒC for 16 hours followed by 8 hours at 15ᵒC. The flats were thinned and individual plants were randomly transferred into each of pots in the UMBS greenhouse. At the time of plant transfer, 28 g Miracle Gro 20N-20P-20K liquid fertilizer was applied. Due to extremely hot weather and high seedling mortality, the plants were watered 50mL daily for 3 days and then transferred back into the growth chambers where they would remain for the 2 week experimental trial. The containers were set up in a randomized 2-block design within the growth chamber (Fig. 1). Throughout the trial, air temperature was maintained at 22ᵒC for 16 hours followed by 8 hours at 15ᵒC with a 24-h photoperiod. Watering Watering patterns were increased by 30% to simulate projected precipitation changes for the US Midwest due to anthropogenic climate change under the higher-emissions scenario (Groisman, Knight, and Karl 2012). The experimental trial lasted for 2 weeks and began 8 days after germination. Each soil type was divided into mean or high precipitation levels. The mean treatment represents the average daily precipitation for the US Midwest and high treatment represents a 30% increase based on data collected by the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Each precipitation level was divided into two precipitation distributions (constant or intermittent). The constant treatment was watered daily to simulate consistent rainfall and less consecutive dry days, while the intermittent treatment was watered every 2 days to simulate an increase in consecutive dry days in between heavy rainfall events. At the mean watering level, the constant treatment received 11.4 mL of water per watering event while the intermittent treatment received 39.9 mL of water per watering event. 14.8 mL of water were administered to the constant treatment at the high level, while 51.8 mL of water were administered to the intermittent treatment at the high level. Total water volume, based off of precipitation level, was administered using a graduated cylinder evenly across each precipitation event for both distribution treatments using a graduated cylinder (Table 1). We controlled watering rate by maintaining an even flow from a graduated cylinder using visual surveillance. Nutrient Analysis Initial NO3, NH4, PO4, and C/N concentrations of the agricultural and naïve soil were measured after collection and homogenization before the experimental trial in order to examine pre-disposed differences in nutrient level due to land-use history. Individual leachate and soil samples were collected at the end of the 2 weeks in order to measure NO3, NH4, PO4, and C/N concentrations. Phosphate was extracted using Truog's solution and was quantitated using the molybdenum blue method with a Alpkem FS3000 rapid flow analyzer. C:N ratios were quantitated using a PerkinElmer CN2400 elemental analyzer. We quantitated NH4 using the automated phenate method and NO3 was quantitaed using the Cd reduction method with a Bran + Leubbe AA3 autoanalyzer. A LI-COR 6400 and IRGA were used to measure CO2 efflux rates for each soil sample after they were transferred to mason jars and placed in an incubator for 2 weeks to allow stabilization of CO2 efflux. Each Wisconsin fast plant was dried in a 60ᵒC oven for 24 hours and weighed to determine biomass. Thermochron® iButtons were placed inside the growth chamber and incubator to monitor temperature every 60 minutes for the entirety of the study. Statistical Analysis IBM SPSS Desktop Statistics 22.0 was used to run 3-way ANOVAs on each response variable after testing for normality and equal variances using Shapiro-Wilk and Levene’s tests respectively. Plant biomass data were not normally distributed, so a log transformation was performed. Statistical significance was accepted at α= 0.05.