Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Coarse woody debris and the carbon balance of a moderately disturbed forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 361:38-45.
2016. Detecting Precontact Anthropogenic Microtopographic Features in a Forested Landscape with Lidar: A Case Study from the Upper Great Lakes Region, AD 1000-1600. PLOS ONE. 11:e0162062.
2016. Effects of mycorrhizal fungi on tree seedling growth: quantifying the parasitism–mutualism transition along a light gradient. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 46:48-57.
2016. Evaluating forest subcanopy response to moderate severity disturbance and contribution to ecosystem-level productivity and resilience. Forest Ecology and Management. 376:135-147.
2016. Foliar damage beyond species distributions is partly explained by distance dependent interactions with natural enemies. Ecology. (9):2331-2341.
2016. .
2016. Immovable food storage facilities, knowledge, and landscape in non-sedentary societies: Perspectives from northern Michigan. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 42:37-55.
2016. .
2016. Multisite analysis of land surface phenology in North American temperate and boreal deciduous forests from Landsat. Remote Sensing of Environment. 186:452-464.
2016. Rapid fine root C and N mineralization in a northern temperate forest soil. Biogeochemistry. (1-24):187-200.
2016. .
2016. Typha invasion associated with reduced aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in northern Lake Huron coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42:1412-1419.
2016. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers ( Sphyrapicus varius) alter sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128:619-623.
2016. Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus varius) alter sap well locations in response to experimentally induced tree damage. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 128
2016. .
Atmospheric N deposition alters connectance, but not functional potential among saprotrophic bacterial communities. Molecular Ecology. 24:3170-3180.
2015. .
2015. Behaviorally-selective chemoreceptor lesions reveal two different chemically mediated orientation strategies in the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 35:753-762.
2015. Benthic algal response to invasive mussels in Saginaw Bay: a comparison of historical and recent data. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. :1-15.
2015. Biomass harvest of invasive Typha promotes plant diversity in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Restoration Ecology. :1-10.
2015. Changes in heron and egret populations on the Laurentian Great Lakes and connecting channels, 1977-2009. Avian Conservation and Ecology.
2015. Chemical Orientation Strategies of the Crayfish are Influenced by the Hydrodynamics of their Native Environment. The American Midland Naturalist. 173:17-29.
2015. Chemical Orientation Strategies of the Crayfish are Influenced by the Hydrodynamics of their Native Environment. The American Midland Naturalist. 173(1):17-29.
2015. Chick mortality leads to male-biased sex ratios in endangered Great Lakes Piping Plovers. Journal of Field Ornithology. 86:103-114.
2015. Cross-scale impact of climate temporal variability on ecosystem water and carbon fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. :n/a-n/a.