Research Bibliography
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Le maintien de l’equilibre dans les communatis protozoaires d’eau douce. Progress in Protozoology, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Protozoology. :74pp..
1973. The lichen flora on Ulmus americana in northern Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 12:163-166.
1973. .
1973. Long term exposure of artificial substrates to colonization by protozoans. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 81:115-119.
1973. A mathematical model for body temperatures of large reptiles: implications for dinosaur ecology. The American Naturalist. 107:391-404.
1973. Methods and annual sequence of foraging by the sapsucker. The Auk. 90:840-856.
1973. Microclimate selection by nesting hummingbirds. American Zoologist. 13:413.
1973. Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 10:1-404.
1973. Population characteristics of a species ensemble of waterboatmen (Corixidae). Ecology. 54:535-544.
1973. .
1973. The protozoan colonization of polyurethane foam units anchored in the benthic area of Douglas Lake, Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 92:648-656.
1973. The psilopezioid fungi. III. The genus Psilopezia (Pezizales). American Journal of Botany. 60:355-365.
1973. The psilopezioid fungi. IV. The genus Pachyella (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany. 51:2009-2023.
1973. Rapid biological monitoring system for determining aquatic community structure in receiving systems. Biological Methods for the Assessment of Water Quality. Special Technical Publication 528:148-163of256pp..
1973. The relationship between number of protozoan species and duration of habitat immersion. Revista de Biologia. 9:35-42.
1973. Response of fresh-water protozoan artificial communities to metals. Journal of Protozoology. 20:127-135.
1973. A revision of North American Potamogeton subsection Pusilli (Potamogetonaceae). Doctor of Philosophy:140pp..
1973. A revision of the genus Orthotrichum in North America, north of Mexico. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca. 1:208.
1973. Seiche activity: significant in late summer lake primary production? Bulletin of the Association of Southeastern Biologists. 20:29.
1973. Sodium dynamics in a northern ecosystem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 70:2745-2748.
1973. Studies on the macrocercous cercariae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan area. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 92:641-648.
1973. Substratum as a factor in the distribution of pulmonate snails in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Malacologia. 12:379-399.
1973. A tentative proposal for a rapid in-plant biological monitoring system. Biological Methods for the Assessment of Water Quality. Special Technical Publication 528:127-147of256pp..
1973. Variations in the incidence of hatching failure in the cedar waxwing and other species. The Condor. 75:164-169.
1973. .