Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Miller NG, Futyma RP.  1987.  Paleohydrological implications of Holocene peatland development in northern Michigan. Quaternary Research. 27:297-311.
Scheiner SM, Teeri JA.  1987.  Rapid genotypic change in a population of the grass Danthonia spicata following disturbance. Canadian Journal of Botany. 65:1819-1823.
Jr. JCairns.  1987.  Rehabilitation of Damaged Ecosystems.
Stewart PM, Smith EP, Jr. JCairns.  1987.  Relationship of the physico-chemical environment to diatom and protozoan communities: a multivariate approach. Archiv fur Protistenkunde. 134:331-341.
Kurita H, Ludwig JPinson, Ludwig M.E.  1987.  Results of the 1987 Michigan colonial waterbird monitoring project on Caspian Terns and Double-crested Cormorants: egg incubation and field studies of colony productivity, embryologic mortality and deformities. :76.
Burch JB, Jung Y.  1987.  A review of the classification, distribution and habitats of the freshwater gastropods of the North American Great Lakes. Walkerana. 2:233-291.
Zuk M.  1987.  Seasonal and individual variation in gregarine parasite levels in the field crickets Gryllus veletis and G. pennsylvanicus. Ecological Entomology. 12:341-348.
Scheiner SM.  1987.  Size and fecundity hierarchies in an herbaceous perennial. Oecologia. 74:128-132.
Lind OT.  1987.  Spatial and temporal variation in hypolimnetic oxygen deficits of a multidepression lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 32:740-744.
Hayes FE.  1987.  Storeria dekayi dekayi (Northern Brown Snake) behavior. Herpetological Review. 18:16-17.
Miller AR, Lowe RL, Rotenberry JT.  1987.  Succession of diatom communities on sand grains. Journal of Ecology. 75:693-709.
White DS, Elzinga CH, Hendricks SPatricia.  1987.  Temperature patterns within the hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 6:85-91.
Burch JB, Jung Y.  1987.  Terrestrial mollusks of the northern lower peninsula, Michigan, U.S.A. Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology. :75-113.
Jolls CL.  1987.  Thoughts on gynodioecy and the success of progeny of self- and cross-fertilized Silene vulgaris. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 103:149(Abstr.
Zuk M.  1987.  Variability in attractiveness of male field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) to females. Animal Behaviour. 35:1240-1248.
Hazlett BTheodore, Hendricks SPatricia, Fons GP, Thompson PW, Wells JR.  1986.  A botanical foray to the Fox Islands, northern Lake Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 25:3-10.
Kukor JJulius, Martin MM.  1986.  Cellulose digestion in Monochamus marmorator Kby. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): role of acquired fungal enzymes. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 12:1057-1070.
Jr. JCairns.  1986.  Community Toxicity Testing. Special Technical Publication 920
Schultz DLane.  1986.  Comparative reproductive ecology of the Johnny Darter (Etheostoma nigrum). Doctor of Philosophy:268pp..
Jolls CL.  1986.  Comparative success of seeds from hermaphrodite and female plants of the bladder campion, Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany. 73:669.
Niederlehner B.R, Jr. JCairns, Jr. A.LBuikema, Pratt JR.  1986.  Comparison of estimates of hazard derived at three levels of complexity. Community Toxicity Testing. Special Technical Publication 920:30-48.
Briggs GM, Gates DM, Jurik TW.  1986.  A comparison of rates of aboveground growth and carbon dioxide assimilation by aspen on sites of high and low quality. Tree Physiology. 2:29-34.
Smith EP, Genter RB, Jr. JCairns.  1986.  Confidence intervals for the similarity between algal communities. Hydrobiologia. 139:237-245.
Jr. JCairns, Pratt JR.  1986.  Developing a sampling strategy. Rationale for Sampling and Interpretation of Ecological Data in the Assessment of Freshwater Ecosystems. Special Technical Publication 894:168-186.
Ryan JM.  1986.  Dietary overlap in sympatric populations of Pygmy shrews, Sorex hoyi, and Masked shrews, Sorex cinereus, in Michigan. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 100:225-228.