Research Bibliography

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White DS, Doyen J.T, Brigham W.U.  1984.  Aquatic Coleoptera. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, pp. .. :361-437.
Kennedy CHamilton.  1951.  Myrmecological technique IV. Collecting ants by rearing pupae. The Ohio Academy of Science. 51:17-20.
Hungerford HB.  1948.  The Corixidae of the Western Hemisphere. The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 32:1-827.
Hungerford HB.  1948.  The eggs of Corixidae (Hemiptera). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 21:141-146.
Kennedy CHamilton.  1948.  Myrmecological technique. II. In collecting ants, the use of the coleopterist, the hemipterist and the economic entomologist with his light or bait trap. The Ohio Academy of Science. 48:27-29.
Kennedy CHamilton.  1946.  Myrmecological technique. I. The use of ether in collecting ants. The Ohio Academy of Science. 46:10-12.
Matheson R, Shannon RC.  1923.  The anophelines of northeastern America. Insecutor Inscitiee Menstruus. 11:57-65.
Blanchard FNelson.  1923.  The tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) of Cheboygan and Emmet Counties, Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 1:396-417.
Gates FC.  1917.  Synchronism in the flashing of fireflies. Science. 46:314.