Research Bibliography
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Longevity minimalists: life table studies of two species of northern Michigan adult mayflies. Experimental Gerontology. 37:567-570.
2002. Caspian Tern (Sterna caspia). The Birds of North America. 403:32pp..
1999. Burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) of the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin: species diversity, population density and body size. Great Lakes Entomologist. 31:85-95.
1998. Biology of the Amphipoda of Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy:168pp..
1950. The life history and ecology of two North American gastrotrichs. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 68:1-20.
1949. Biology of the Isopoda of Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy:190pp..
1943. Life history of Lethocerus Americanus (Leidy) (Hemiptera-Belostomatidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 22:479-491.
1935. Contribution to the biology of the Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 24:129-142.
1931. Life-histories of Michigan Haliplidae (Coleoptera). Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 11:399-424.
1930. Observations on the habits and life history of Galerucella nymphaeae (Coleoptera). Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 43:11-16.
1924. An ecological reconnoissance of the fishes of Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, Michigan, in midsummer. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. 33:215-249.