Research Bibliography

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Jr. HMilton Mil.  1924.  Studies on furcocercous cercariae. I. Cercaria douthitti Cort and Cercaria echinocauda O’Roke. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 43:145-151.
Fortner HC.  1923.  The distribution of frog parasites of the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 42:79-90.
Jr. HMilton Mil.  1923.  Notes on some furcocercous larval trematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 10:35-46.
Cort WWalter.  1922.  A study of the escape of cercariae from their snail hosts. Journal of Parasitology. 8:177-184.
Cort WWalter.  1921.  Sex in the trematode family Schistosomidae. Science. 53:226-228.
Cort WWalter.  1919.  The excretory system of a stylet cercaria. University of California Publications in Zoology. 19:275-281.
Cort WWalter.  1918.  Adaptability of schistosome larvae to new hosts. Journal of Parasitology. 4:171-173.
Cort WWalter.  1918.  The excretory system of Agamodistomum marcianae (La Rue), the agamodistome stage of a forked-tailed cercaria. Journal of Parasitology. 4:130-134.
Cort WWalter.  1918.  A new Cercariaeum from North America. Journal of Parasitology. 5:86-91.
Cort WWalter.  1917.  Homologies of the excretory system of the forked-tailed cercariae. Journal of Parasitology. 4:49-57.
Cort WWalter.  1915.  Gordius larvae parasitic in a trematode. Journal of Parasitology. 1:198-199.