Research Bibliography

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Olivier L, Odlaug TO.  1938.  Mesocercaria intermedia n. sp. (Trematoda: Strigeata) with a note on its further development. Journal of Parasitology. 24:369-374.
Ameel DJ.  1938.  The morphology and life cycle of Euryhelmis monorchis n. sp. (Trematoda) from the mink. Journal of Parasitology. 24:219-224.
Herber E.C.  1938.  On the mother redia of Diplodiscus temperatus Stafford, 1905. Journal of Parasitology. 24:549.
McIntosh A.  1938.  A new philophthalmid trematode of the Spotted Sandpiper from Michigan and of the Black-necked Stilt from Florida. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 5:46-47.
Cort WWalter, Brackett S.  1938.  A new strigeid cercaria which produces a bloat disease of tadpoles. Journal of Parasitology. 24:263-271.
McMullen DB.  1938.  Notes on the morphology and life cycles of four North American cercariae. Livro Jubilar Professor Travassos. :229-306.
McMullen DB.  1938.  Observations on precocious metacercarial development in the trematode superfamily Plagiorchioidea. Journal of Parasitology. 24:273-280.
Herber E.C.  1938.  Schistosome dermatitis in dogs. Journal of Parasitology. 24:474-475.
Sheldon A.J.  1938.  Studies on the life cycle of Maritrema medium (Trematoda) and a redescription of the species. Journal of Parasitology. 24:259-262.
Cort WWalter, Brackett S.  1938.  Two new species of strigeid cercariae in Stagnicola palustris elodes (Say) from the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 57:274-281.