Research Bibliography
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A biosystematic study of the Scirpus cyperinus complex. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 115:283-311.
1964. Records of Michigan vascular plants, with primary reference to the Mackinac Straits region. Michigan Botanist. 3:39-44.
1964. Skunk-cabbage in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 3:97-101.
1964. Distributions of distinctive shoreline plants in the Great Lakes region. Michigan Botanist. 2:99-114.
1963. Mode of attachment, haustorium structure, and hosts of Pedicularis canadensis. American Journal of Botany. 50:978-985.
1963. .
Which side is up? A look at the leaves of Oryzopsis Rhodora. 63:285-287.
1961. Marl encrustation on hydrophytes in several Michigan lakes. Oikos. 11:223-236.
1960. A taxonomic monograph of the genus Equisetum subgenus Hypochaete. Doctor of Philosophy:386pp..
1959. Confusion in Alisma. Taxon. 7:130-133.
1958. New records of vascular plants from the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 42:3-34.
1957. Observations on the Michigan flora. VI. Distribution records of some angiosperms new, rare, or misinterpreted in the state. Brittonia. 9:83-101.
1957. Polyembryony in Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. The Ohio Academy of Science. 57:315-320.
1957. A diploid variety in the Cystopteris fragilis complex. Rhodora. 58:79-87.
1956. The morphological and cytological distinctness of Botrychium minganense and B. lunaria in Michigan. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 83:261-280.
1956. The vascular plants of Emmet and Cheboygan Counties, Michigan: patterns and problems in geographic affinities. Doctor of Philosophy:280pp..
1954. Observations on the Michigan Flora, IV: A botanical survey in Huron County. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:17-24.
1953. Observations on the Michigan flora, V: Plants of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County)–the second four years. Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 43:53-60.
1953. A review of "The New Britton and Brown". The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:25-28.
1953. Floristic study in the Douglas Lake region of Michigan, 1951. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 1:51-52.
1952. Observations on the Michigan flora, III. The flora of Green Island (Mackinac County). The Ohio Academy of Science. 50:182-190.
1950. Observations on the Michigan flora. A survey of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County). Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 41:39-45.
1949. An occurrence of gametophytes of Equisetum in Cheboygan County, Michigan. American Fern Journal. 39:106-109.
1949. Additions to an annotated list of the higher plants of the region of Douglas Lake, Michigan. III. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 32:27-46.
1948. Aging of plant tissue and stress-strain curves, modulus of elasticity, and specific gravity of plant tissues. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 48:186-197.