Research Bibliography

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Schuyler AE.  1964.  A biosystematic study of the Scirpus cyperinus complex. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 115:283-311.
Piehl MA.  1964.  Records of Michigan vascular plants, with primary reference to the Mackinac Straits region. Michigan Botanist. 3:39-44.
Voss EG.  1964.  Skunk-cabbage in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 3:97-101.
Voss EG.  1958.  Confusion in Alisma. Taxon. 7:130-133.
Voss EG.  1953.  Observations on the Michigan Flora, IV: A botanical survey in Huron County. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:17-24.
Voss EG.  1953.  Observations on the Michigan flora, V: Plants of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County)–the second four years. Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 43:53-60.
Voss EG.  1953.  A review of "The New Britton and Brown". The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:25-28.
Voss EG.  1952.  Floristic study in the Douglas Lake region of Michigan, 1951. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 1:51-52.
Voss EG.  1949.  Observations on the Michigan flora. A survey of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County). Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 41:39-45.
Feigley M.  1949.  An occurrence of gametophytes of Equisetum in Cheboygan County, Michigan. American Fern Journal. 39:106-109.
Gates FC, Ehlers JH.  1948.  Additions to an annotated list of the higher plants of the region of Douglas Lake, Michigan. III. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 32:27-46.