Research Bibliography
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Climate change and forests. Tree Physiology. 7:1-5.
1990. Climate change and the response of forests. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 11:1095-1107.
1990. Springtime recovery of photosynthetic activity of white pine in Michigan. Canadian Journal of Botany. 66:138-141.
1988. Interactive effects of light, leaf temperature, CO2 and O2 on photosynthesis in soybean. Planta. 165:249-263.
1985. .
1980. .
Solubility of gases and the temperature dependency of whole leaf affinities for carbon dioxide and oxygen. Plant Physiology. 63:916-923.
1979. Development of a photosynthesis model with an emphasis on ecological applications I. Theory. Oecologia. 26:89-100.
1976. .
1976. Microclimate and energy flow in the marine rocky intertidal. Perspectives of Biophysical Ecology. :559-587.