Research Bibliography

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Filters: Author is Voss, Edward G. and Keyword is VASCULAR PLANTS  [Clear All Filters]
Voss EG.  1953.  Observations on the Michigan Flora, IV: A botanical survey in Huron County. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:17-24.
Voss EG.  1953.  Observations on the Michigan flora, V: Plants of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County)–the second four years. Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 43:53-60.
Voss EG.  1953.  A review of "The New Britton and Brown". The Asa Gray Bulletin. 2:25-28.
Voss EG.  1952.  Floristic study in the Douglas Lake region of Michigan, 1951. The Asa Gray Bulletin. 1:51-52.
Voss EG.  1949.  Observations on the Michigan flora. A survey of the St. Ignace Causeway (Mackinac County). Denison University Bulletin, Journal of the Scientific Laboratories. 41:39-45.