Research Bibliography
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Simulated chronic nitrogen deposition increases carbon storage in Northern Temperate forests. Global Change Biology. 14:142-153.
2008. Atmospheric nitrate deposition and enhanced dissolved organic carbon leaching: test of a potential mechanism. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 69:1233-1237.
2005. Anthropogenic N deposition and the fate of 15NO3- in a northern hardwood ecosystem. Biogeochemistry. 69:143-157.
2004. Atmospheric nitrate deposition and the microbial degradation of cellobiose and vanillin in a northern hardwood forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 36:965-971.
2004. Atmospheric nitrate deposition, microbial community composition, and enzyme activity in northern hardwood forests. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 68:132-138.
2004. Chronic nitrate additions dramatically increase the export of carbon and nitrogen from northern hardwood ecosystems. Biogeochemistry. 68:179-197.
2004. Simulated chronic NO3- deposition reduces soil respiration in northern hardwood forests. Global Change Biology. 10:1080-1091.
2004. Measurement of carbon dioxide concentration does not affect root repiration of nine tree species in the field. Tree Physiology. 22:67-72.
2002. Microbial immobilization and the retention of anthropogenic nitrate in a northern hardwood forest. Ecology. 81:1858-1866.
2000. Predicting daily mean soil temperature from daily mean air temperature in four northern hardwood forest stands. Forest Science. 46:297-301.
2000. Environmental stress effects on vigor, mortality, and growth in northern hardwood forests along a pollution-climate gradient. The Michigan Academician. 30:27-47.
1998. Variation in sugar maple root respiration with root diameter and soil depth. Tree Physiology. 18:665-670.
1998. Fine root respiration in northern hardwood forests in relation to temperature and nitrogen availability. Tree Physiology. 16:719-725.
1996. Latitudinal variation in sugar maple fine root respiration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 26:1761-1768.
1996. Studying the effects of air pollution on forest along exposure gradients: experiences in the United States and opportunities for cooperation. Climate and Atmospheric Deposition Studies in Forests. :109-115.